Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Woman’s Pretension

Some men threw some lewd comments behind you.
Some men devoured you with their lustful eyes.
Indignant, you grew pungent about them;
Yet you preen yourself for the looks you have.

See It In The Context.

A diamond shines when set in an ornament.
Taken out of it, its luster fails to impress.
Quotes read in the context get full value.
Jokes are humorous read with the context.

Secret Love

Eyes talk; passions touch senses;
Silences speak; the sighs whisper.
No verbal; no tryst, no touches.
Conversation of eyes

Women Are Lonely.

Women are not lonely.
Co-men admire them;
Low men desire them;
Low women serve them.

The Caged Lust

A stale wife is not a stale woman.
A stale husband is not a stale man.
Woman is a magnet to a stranger.
Man is a bullet to a stranger.

The Nature’s Role

Laws are made by weak men
To contain strong mass.
When law breaks down, it means
The Nature has come to action.

Honesty And Virtue

Honest men fail to cash in the goodwill
And end up their lives with penuriousness.
Virtuous women fail to cash in their beauty
And end up their lives with utter abandonment.

Believe In Such Things

I know not how my wife conducts
Herself to men in my absence.
I’m sure to take advantage
Of such opportunities

Religions Act As Shells

But for religions’ hold,
Could we be what we are,
With our tentacles bent,
To crawl under the shell?

The Want Of Love

Brothers and sisters have grown rich
And opted out of my influence.
So is the case with my children too.
My wife has emigrated from me.

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