Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Change Not The Name

The name given to you at birth
Is the epitome of parents’ love.
To replace it with a fancy one
Is the symptom of ingratitude.

The Word But

Saying ‘I like you but…’
She means ‘I don’t like you.’
‘But’ is minus that multiplies
All the pluses into minus.

Company; Why?

I was alone in the womb;
I shall be so in the tomb.
In between I’m desperate
To seek company of men. Why?

Confidence Defined

All quarries answered by you,
What you get is not confidence.
For any quarries thrown,
Being ready is confidence.

To Trust Or Not

No one will die for you;
No one will die instead of you.
Restrict your trust.

Innate Actions Overtake


Reflection earns you wisdom;
Knowledge earns you wisdom;

Slavery And Rivalry.

Slavery cannot be wiped out
As long as there are men around women.
Rivalry cannot be ruled out
As long as there are men around women.

Money Cannot Buy Hearts

A good bed bought at a high cost
Cannot ensure you a sound sleep.
A cute bride brought for a high wealth
Cannot assure you her full love.

Either You Or I.

Either you speak or I shall;
Don’t let the silence speak.

Either you say or I shall;

Faith Provides Peace.

The sense of control is withdrawn
Where faith is deeply rooted.
Strengthened will be the belief
That things will move as they will

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