Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Bad Boys

Don't misjudge bad boys; don't reject bad boys.
They make life thrilling; they make love thrilling.
Bad boys turn you on; bad boys turn on juice.
You will be dotted; you will be aroused.


A woman laughs more, laughs often.
She laughs more in front of men,
More so in front of whom she values
And a man enjoys her every laugh.

Lies Are Eternal

Lies live as truths
Till they are contradicted.
This chain continues
In human perceptions

Hunt Out Gossips

Don’t let one tell you ills of the other.
Even if you don’t believe it, it’ll stay
In your memory and would surface out,
When you encounter him, to lower him.

Uniting And Dividing

What divides two unites them.
What unites two divide them.
Man to man and woman to woman
Rests more tussle than affinity

Blood Relation Is A Myth

Mother died young; who will bring me up?
Tears flowed..
Mother died old; a great relief so soon.
No tears.

Let Us Desire Anew

I cannot desire you
As I did thirty years ago
When you were in your spring.
Still I’m the best bet you can count on

The Role Of Instincts

Victory is sweet; sweeter is revenge.
Relief is sweet; sweeter is escape.
Gain is sweet; sweeter is lottery.
Sex is sweet; sweeter is adultery.

The True Atheist

Saying that God does not exist
Will not make you an atheist.
You must’ve courage to face the world
Without fear for the unknown.

Feel The Moment ‘now’

Millions of people have been slaughtered
In the name of religion in the past.
Millions of people have been put to death
To establish the rule of communism.

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