Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Your Mirth In Mating

You can enjoy watching a movie
Without any reaction from the movie.
You cannot enjoy mating a woman
Without any reaction from her body.

Man And God

Men die; dogs die; flies die; germs die.
They die but duration varies.
News dies, songs die and fashions die.
They die but at different spells.

Minimize The Risk

To take a decision is speculate.
For success there will be no guarantee.
Employing prudence and pliability
You can minimize the risks involved.

They Are Still Existing.

Ideals realized,
They cease to be ideals.
Hopes attained,
They cease to be hopes.

Only Man Loves Woman

Man gives woman love to get sex
Woman has sex with man to get his love.
Man baits his love for sex.
Woman baits her body for his love

Woman Is A Jasmine

A jasmine by sight inspires,
in close vicinity perfumes,
by hold to nostrils charges,
and on crush intoxicates.

The Day Has A Role

Yesterday had been today and tomorrow.
Tomorrow would be today and yesterday.
Every day has got a role to play.
Regret not you grew into yesterday.

Hope And Fear

Hope of spring takes me through winter.
Fear of heat mars the pleasure of spring.
Moments of one’s life is filled with
Hope and fear to mar one’s moments.

Sex Is Thicker Than Blood.

You can scold the child;
You can scold the parent.
They can be taken for granted
As they are bonded by blood.

On Remembrance Of Love

‘Love first learned in a lady’s eyes’
Lies not idle but will fuel
The dormant lust that rests in a man
So that it burns with a double power.

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