Roann Mendriq Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Heaven From The Start ©

I dreamt that I had died
and reached the Pearly gate,
I sat upon a silken cloud,
and began an anxious wait.

Melting Molten Magic ©

Now close both eyes, imagine bliss,
A velvet stolen luscious kiss;
Mesmerising happiness,
Wild and willful wantonness.

Racing ©

One last check on all the doors,
The lift's kaput, race down six floors;
Leaping over a puddle-pool,
Skipping like I'm still in school!

Night ©

Some nights prolong the agony,
glowering shadows tantalize;
Just adding to the misery,
with doleful, dour unseeing eyes.


When dawn bursts forth to share the light,
splashing hues upon the skies;
Night turns her head and takes quick flight,
She needs the shades upon her eyes.

Night And Light ©

Some view the darkness of the night,
with stars reflected in their eyes;
Shadows fail to cause them fright,
as they gaze at heaven's skies.

Rain Concert ©

Last night, we watched a concert live,
upon the grandest ocean stage;
As flashing stars deigned to arrive,
we watched from our own window cage!

Shadows ©

Dark shadows creeping in the night,
sulking in the corners bleak;
Soaking up the pale moonlight,
cloaked in drama, deep mystique.


When I woke this early morning,
It seemed to me the sky was yawning;
It stretched across the languid sea,
on cotton clouds nonchalantly.

Goodnight Day©

When dusk bids farewell to the day,
to welcome in the waiting night;
Children yawn and stop their play,
Moonlamp shares her mellow light.

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