Roann Mendriq Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Summer Signs ©

Signs of summer in the air,
Beating heat that bakes the dust;
Time to bask beneath the glare,
and savour every airy gust.

Leaving Leaves ©

When leaves leave loving Mother tree,
how wistful sad that tree must be;
Like when a child is going away,
unseen, unheard until one day,

Skywords ©

Tonight the sky is but a page,
dark with inky midnight blue;
Cloudy words fade grey with age,
Dimly lit with purple hue.

Sea Sky Blues ©

The sky is Mother, sea is Child,
both forces to be reckoned with;
Sometimes calm yet sometimes wild,
True to natures ancient myth.

Poetry ©

Paper, Paper, I need paper,
to pen my thoughts down into ink;
Capricious thoughts that vanish, caper,
that tease me when I try to think...

There's Mischief In The Air Today©

There's mischief in the air today!
The roguish wind is chasing leaves,
that dance away a sweet ballet,
under the shadows of the eaves.

Cupcake Capers©

O little bit of sweet delight!
O airy little kiss of taste!
O pretty little biscuit bite!
That vanishes in genteel haste.

Christmas Poems: Christmas Birthday Cake ©

Christmas Birthday Cake
Armed with an apron, and dollops of cheer,
I set down to baking, 'round this time, last year;
Humming a carol, that lifted my heart,

Christmas Poems: Get Well Santa! ©

Christmas was coming, Santa was down with a cold,
His coat was all damp, and covered with mould.
His sleigh needed painting, it was covered with soot,
And he just couldn't find, one shiny black boot.


The Father gave His sons the land,
He hoped and prayed they'd live in peace,
And He could never understand,
when their fighting did not cease.

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