Roann Mendriq Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Poetry For Children: My Best Friend! ©

My friend and I, we play for hours,
I'm mesmerised when I play;
All day football and racing cars,
to Mother's utter dismay.

Cooking Up A Storm ©

Armed with ancient recipes,
and with Grandma's rolling pin;
Mind and heart at utter ease,
Calling powers deep within.

Starfish ©

A starfish lay upon the shore,
basking in the sifting sand;
Quite content drifting, to explore,
the steady, solid, constant land.

Stained Glass Soul ©

The Chapel seemed bereft and small,
The congregation slowly dispersed;
Wooden letters on the wall;
simply written, said: "I thirst"


When I woke up this morning
and bounced out of bed,
Visions of airy confections,
danced in my head.

Midnight's Treasures ©

How sweetly sleeps the diamond sea,
beneath a glistening pearl night sky;
As lapiz stars glow silently,
Each twinkle but a starry sigh.

Terror Threat

Living in a threat of terror,
fills my heart with heavy dread;
and anger at such human error,
that screams for more bloodshed.

Bearing Burdens©

Could I bear a burden
To set somebody free?
Would I dare to tread,
The path to Calvary?

Typos! ©

There's typo goblin up to tricks,
Hidden words it sneaks and picks;
It lurks within a sweet sonnet,
and gobbles up an alphabet.

Point Of View, I, Downcast Daze ©

Who chased the sun-boy from his place?
Whyever not does he appear?
Who wiped the blue from sky-girl's face,
and draped her such grey austere?

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