Roann Mendriq Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Washing Dishes©

Washing dishes at the sink
is a gentle, quiet chore;
Gives me a chance to softly think,
and talk to Russell Crow.

Day And Night©

Night's silent whispers, sweet and low,
In quiet hushed tones softly sigh;
Beneath the moonlamp's gentle glow,
Breathless breeze, a lullabye.

Poetry For Children: God's Precious Cookies ©

Father God was in His kitchen, cooking up a storm,
Trying a tested recipe...called "Where people come from? "

God took a bowl of chocolate, He added a hint of morning dew,

Notebook ©

I've started writing right from scratch,
with paper, pencil or a pen;
My old computer goes kaput,
every now and then.

To Dye Or Not To Dye©

Today's trendy women
Like highlights in their hair,
Of hues that range from Burgundy
To Honeyblonde, they dare.


Behind the walls of frosted glass,
trapped within palladium rooms,
I stopped to hear the beckoning,
an impending sense of wicked doom.

Diwali Poems: Diyas©

Rockets streaming in the night sky,
bursting from a single spark;
Laughing fountains reaching high,
fleeing from the dusty dark.

Moody Skies ©

On evenings when the breeze is chill,
trees cower 'neath the gloomy skies;
that seem to darken up at will,
Anger in their glowering eyes.

Indian Summer ©

A neon sun, in furnace sky,
Fiercely brilliant, harshly stark;
Blazing whitehot, burning high,
Sweltering sultry, stubbon spark.

Poetry For Children: Catastrophe, Catastrophe! ©

All the pets were very good,
in our PetPeeve neighbourhood.
The dogs shook hands and never chased
cars; they deemed it was a sorry waste!

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