Robbie Squires

Robbie Squires Poems

After the sunrise had lighten up the morning sky
I hung my head and began to cry
My girl was gone, left in the night
I didn’t know why, could’ve just told me out right

Listen to the wind cry its longing song
Insert yourself, find where you being
All this time ive gone unknown
And my fear is all ive shown

I can remember how I was
A long time ago
So innocent and young
Free to play in the snow

Who are you
What have you done with my sisters?
Where have you taken them
Tied them up with daggers abounding

I could see the silver spaceships in the sky
Flying over the horizon
Everything was fine
Until the building started blazing

Shes everything I will ever need
More than anything I will ever be
She sits at home on this lonely night
While I sit here and type

Let me decay back into the earth
Make me known to what I was worth
A great ascending mountain range
With a small home on top

She was my lover
And I was her saint
And we said I love you
Until our voices were faint

I am my fathers son
I never know when to shut up
I aint foolin no one
I am my fathers son


Who says I cant get stoned?
Who says I cant kill him?
Who says I cant get drunk?
Who says I cant live sins?

Gunner on top the pill box
Patiently awaiting your arrival
He seeks to take you out in one fell swoop
Taking your life for his own will

The Highwayman, a dreamer of broken roads and lost time
A yesterday drifter that follows the wind
Wherever it may chime
Upon horseback, our rebel divides the night

I killed myself today
To see if I would die
Just an act of curiosity
Nothing personal, please don’t cry

The lights they shine bright
A piercing bright white
Everything else is so lit up by its essence
What would we do without its presence

The singer sings a song
About the time he was a boy
Those times have been over for a while
The singer has grown too old

Fish in the cage, swimming
Killer in his cell, smiling, grinning
A beast caged in the heart of the city
That same man is now feeling pity

Hello my baby by the shore
Is your heart an open door?
Can I take a long walk inside
Or is it hidden in deep disguise

The foglight flickers on and off
Giving the scene a ghostly illumination
The murderer scampers across the state line
In search of a cave, he will find it this time

I think therefore I am
The past forms a grain of sand
Future life beholds no light
Until we fall beneath all sight

Losing my grip
In the tiny slip
Of time
Between time and space

Robbie Squires Biography

I am 16 years old and am a junior in high school. I just started writing songs and poems at the beginning of the 2009 summer and I realized that I liked it a lot. I hope to make a career out of writing my poems and songs one day. I would say that I am most influenced by Jim Morrison and Bob Dylan, although i think Morrison stands out a little more in me than Dylan. I hope anyone who reads my songs and poems can give me an honest opinion on em cuz i just want to improve more and more with my songwriting abilities. Thank you and goodnight. 'It's better to burn out than to fade away.')

The Best Poem Of Robbie Squires

After The Night

After the sunrise had lighten up the morning sky
I hung my head and began to cry
My girl was gone, left in the night
I didn’t know why, could’ve just told me out right
But it doesn’t matter now
Im all alone and she with someone that isn’t me
Last night, what had happened that night?
Did I do something that filled her with spite?
Or maybe it was just my nature
That drove her away from here
I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter ya know
Because shes not with me anymore
She was the warm air in the summer breeze
But when night falls that all leaves
She had changed her mind immediately
And left in secrecy so I couldn’t see
Her running away, her leaving me
I don’t know, it doesn’t matter though
Because shes not with me anymore

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