Robert Edgar Burns Poems

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Heaven Sent

Did you know that God above,
Created you for me to love?
He raised you in a far away place.
And still he brought us face to face.

Blaming The Snake

Adam said it was the fault of Eve.
Eve blamed that serpent snake.
The snake tried blaming everyone else
No leg to stand on, he was a fake.

The Sponsor

Would you sponsor me to sit on my butt
And eat twinkies while drinking soda pop?
To give birth to a dozen little children too,
Who won't know their daddy, not sure if I do?


How do we glorify the Son of Man,
The firstborn of the Father and Great I Am?
Whose Holiness, Faithfulness, Mercy and Grace,
Along with His Majesty are always in place.

A Roofers Symphony

Rat a tat whack.
Click click clack.
Gurgle gurgle boil,
Splat splash splat.

Family Reunion

Hopscotch on the sidewalk.
Horse shoes in the grass.
Little ones running in circles,
Saying 'look at me, I'm fast.'

Limericks Fun

Beauty and grace are seen on the face
Of my beautiful ballerina.
If I could turn back time
Your sweet surrender is mine,

The Pirate

The Pirate president signed into law,
"Shiver me timbers" is not politically correct.
But now "Me timbers shiver, "
Is the new and approved dialect.


I am not an Archie Bunker,
Who hates everyone all the same.
And when it comes to racist,
I have never been called that name.


I will use the Word Of God to defend
Everything I say or write.
Others use political talking points
Issued by Washington day and night.

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