Robert Rorabeck Poems

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Entangled As The Snowflakes

Soft and as entangled as the snowflakes of
Siamese twins who have been
Weeping upon the subzero playgrounds
So much that they've become stuck to

These Playful Enigmas

Into those playful enigmas where
The poetess always find out that they are dying,
The fairgrounds come and then are passed
Away, ass%oles and clowns passed

The Drive-In Theatres Of The Ever-Loving Moon

Jealous as the children are to souls,
As new words are to the memory,
As the cars lay outside, tanning in their parking

The Fire Which Has Drowned

You f-ed up big time
On the other side of the yellowest
Caution tape,
And now I know I've seen

The Memories Of The Forgotten Prairie

Life is not about facts,
But about becoming cold-hearted bonfires—
As the moon delivers itself to the feral
Cats on a platter,

The Killjoy Sensations

The same memories were the killjoy
Sensations, losing the knowledge of words
Like blood,
As the girls stepped barefooted out

Plagiarisms Of The Sunlight

Plagiarisms of the sunlight happen every day,
As we get up and go
To our classrooms just to look at the
Girls who tell us about the weather—

Elbows Of The Garden

Elbows of the garden stretch cantankerously
As I try to look at you from
The corner of my eye—
Brown skinned Mexican, beautiful girl we

In The Brown Webs Of The Pond

Soft in the brown webs of the pond,
Leaking from the roots of the cemeteries,
Airplanes who get up and yawn—
Like lions in their estuaries—

Like Stones On A Lake

Beautiful girls who are like
Disney World
While the sirens sing like angels—
Visions of the quickest of the silver rains—

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