Robert Warning

Robert Warning Poems

Thank u Kristan for being you,
& for being there when I'm feeling good or blue.

Our faces are far, which causes impatience,

Dear Mom,

Ode to Mothers, especially mine, are most like An unbreakable twine,
that holds us together,

The Best Poem Of Robert Warning

Happy Birthday With Love

Thank u Kristan for being you,
& for being there when I'm feeling good or blue.

Our faces are far, which causes impatience,
but our hearts stay close,
Despite where our bodies are currently stationed.

And even though we can only phone,
I'm happy to know I'm no longer alone.
I'll eventually see you, if I have to I'll crawl,
Because I want you, or nothing at all.

I love you so much & owe you my soul, your heart has saved me from so many falls, and many of blows.

I've had countless days where I've lost all hope,
But knowing you pays in so many ways, & hearing your voice is my new way to cope.

If I'm Sonny you're Cher, If you're carrots I'm peas,
If I'm feeling hot, your my cool summer breeze.
If we're under the bread,
then I'm ham & you're cheese.

So when life throws us problems in sets of three, We can remind each-other on how to breath,
And live in the moment and know it's okay, Because we both found someone
who's here to stay.

You entered my life in my darkest of hours, & took my pain as if it was ours.
You've given courage to put both feet on the floor. Girl, you want to make me run out my door, and never stop until I reach yours.

Each day we talk includes a full serving of hope. Kristan, you are my life saving rope, & the rock in my world that will never get broke.

When I think about the common feelings we share, something feels right, & it comes from a place where words can't compare.

Our future may include some tough days to accrue, but it warms my heart to know,
at the end of the day it's just me & you.

No matter the bumps, no matter the bends, I'm going to be fine if I go through it with you, through to the end.

Roses are red & my love parts are blue,
from spending my time thinking of you.
Without your love, I wouldn't know what to do.
So Thank you Kristan for being true, & Happy Birthday with love, from me to you.

I love you now, I love you forever.
Yours Always & Together Forever,

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