Breaking my heart slowly
it is as fragile as ice
why do you treat me like such a lowly
Because the world is cruel, i want to go away
because the world is cruel, my friends cut all day
because the world is cruel, i just might hit someone
because the world is cruel, the world has become undone
Cotton fields remind me of past lives
Huge plantations with pillars
To even think of such things give me hives
Blanca: elegant lives with some exception
My heart is filled with emotions that are unusual to me
My heart is beating so fast that its getting a bit hard to breath
My heart is the most fragile part of my body
My heart is used as a weapon but only to guard me
Gone are the ways of that scared little girl
the little girl with pretty brown curls
she has been delt a hand of Sh** cards
she will, has so far
tick tock, the world is waiting
tick tock, time is a wasting
I need that clock
I need it to stop
'To be, or not to be'
Screw that!
To breath or not to breath
That is the question
To the bad asses of the world
I commend you for your bravery
Rule with an iron fist, may your judgement never curve
Be who you are
I've fallen in love with an awkward little boy
blond haired, blue eyed, but a bit coy
there is something different about this boy
he's decided early, to put up his toys
In love, in light
In passion, in flight
Darkness returns form minutes of euphoria
He is gone, and you have been wronged
Open the gate
Let me in
I have been good
Screw that, everybody sins
Shining down upon us
Scorching the ground
Lighting the sky with its brilliancy
How very exhausting
Im so tired
I want to sleep forever
I want to slip into eternity
I don't want to be here
a means to an end
I mean for it to end
it is gone
I am better
Poems written in my teenage angst phase.)
Little Jewish Boy
In a room
Sitting in misery
In a place
Eyes going all misty
Other boys surround me
All stripped of our clothing
We wait and see
Our eyes roaming
We know what will happen
We know what we'll soon be
Gas starts to seep in
Young dead male bodies
Pray for our souls
We have been freed
Please god
Don' let future generations suffer like me