Ronell Warren Alman Poems

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Write To Express Yourself

Continue to write
And express yourself
Give the readers a chance to think
And also to educate themselves

She Was There For You

She was there for you
But, you threw it all away
You never appreciated her
Why should she stay?

Take Time To Care

Take time to care
Always be there
The children need your guidance
Without you, there would be a hinderance in their progress

Teach Them, Guide Them

Teach them, guide them
Lead them to the right track
Build them up incessantly
Make sure that they do not fall back

Do Not Waste Your Life

Do not waste your life away
Hanging around the wrong crowd
For they have nowhere to go
They are obnoxious and loud

Life Can Change

Life can change
In the blink of an eye
We are all trying to do our very best
In order to get by

You Made That Child

You made that child
But, you were never there
You never accepted responsibility
You never really cared

Some People Like Confusion

Some people like confusion
Some draw their own conclusion
That just adds to the frustration
With an unclear understanding of the situation

Action And Determination

Action and determination
Will get you places
You have the power
In order to make your cases

Always Work For It

Always work for it
Go through the grind
Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations
There are many good things to find

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