Ronell Warren Alman Poems

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It Is Nothing But A Hard Road

It is nothing but a hard road
When you face the world alone
Sceneries tend to be filled with darkness
But, you must find the strength to carry on

Windows Are Closing

Windows are closing
Because, you have allowed opportunity to slip away
Time will sadly pass on
There is absolutely no one for you to blame

She Still Finds A Way

She still finds a way
To advance and aspire
What resiliency she has
Always the one to inspire

When You Go Through A Struggle

When you go through a struggle
You may take a fall
But, you must get up
And stand up tall

Be Determined To Succeed

Be determined to succeed
Let nothing stand in your way
Put your best foot forward
And empower your day

Girl, What A Masterpiece You Are Always

Girl, what a masterpiece you are always
You are sweet as can be
Beautiful and charming
Stunning, sassy, and classy

The Christmas Spirit Is In The Air

The Christmas spirit is in the air
What a joy it is for everyone
Families gather around the tree
And have so much fun

Get At It

Get at it
And better yourself
You can be impeccable
Sharpen your mind and rise for that top shelf

Having A Positive Mind

Having a positive mind
Will make you happier
Jovial and jubilant
Spread nothing but good cheer

Have Wise Words To Give

Have wise words to give
Encourage and uplift
Be a mentor to the little ones
Give them the gift

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