Ronell Warren Alman Poems

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All Of The Answers Are There

All of the answers are there
They are within your soul
Take the time to find them
Empower yourself and be bold

Everyone Is In This Together

Everyone is in this together
In this thing called life
Some days are filled with sunshine
And sometimes there is corruption and strife

Be The Inspiration In Someone's Life

Be the inspiration in someone's life
Show them that they can do anything
Give them words of encouragement
Be positive and uplifting

You May Go Through A Struggle

You may go through a struggle
But, never ever quit
Reach within yourself
And recharge bit by bit

The Little Children Are Keen And Astute

The little children are keen and astute
They are a lot smarter than what we give them credit for
Always watchful and aware
There is so much more in store

Darkness May Make An Appearance

Darkness may make an appearance
But, it is up to you to push it away
Always move towards the light
This will eventually make for a brighter day

Always Make Your Presence Felt

Always make your presence felt
Be promising and favorable
Let the children hear your voice
But, have something to bring to the table

Girl, Your Charming Beauty

Girl, your charming beauty
Is one to always shine
Your loving personality
Is sweeter than a glass of wine

The Harsh Reality Is

The harsh reality is
Is that time is not on anyone's side
Moments are constantly fleeting
As the ship sails along the tide

Just Put In The Maximum Effort

Just put in the maximum effort
And forge ahead my friend
Continue on with the forward motion
Remember, strength comes from within

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