Ronell Warren Alman Poems

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Just Put In The Maximum Effort

Just put in the maximum effort
And forge ahead my friend
Continue on with the forward motion
Remember, strength comes from within

Always Focus On The Present

Always focus on the present
Think of the joy that you bring
Be in pursuit of happiness
Put your heart into everything

Be Willing To Sharpen Your Mind

Be willing to sharpen your mind
Learn as much as you can
Knowledge is power
Have the strength to understand

The Scenery Can Be Chaotic At Times

The scenery can be chaotic at times
With lots of total confusion
Instead of dwelling on the problem
We can search for the solution

Learn And Grow

Learn and grow
Just go with the flow
There is so much more in store
And that is for sure

Keep Those Memories Dear To Your Heart

Keep those memories dear to your heart
Of a loved one that has sadly passed on
Always remember your mother
She taught you how to be strong

There May Be Times That May Seem Cloudy

There may be times that may seem cloudy
But, you have to keep pace
One just can not give up hope
And if you do, you would sadly fall out of place

Always Have Faith

Always have faith
With an upbeat attitude
Think positive thoughts
And show your gratitude

Girl, Our Togetherness Will Shine

Girl, when we put our hearts together
There is a heavenly bliss
Nothing but magic in the air
Along with sweet tenderness

With Such Alacrity

With such alacrity
Eager to get the job done
Willing and able to learn
Always on the run

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