Rosalia de Castro Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Good-Bye Rivers, Good-Bye Fountains

Good-bye rivers, good-bye fountains;
Good-bye, little rills;
Good-bye, sight of my eyes:
Don't know when we'll see each other again.



¡Silencio, los lebreles
de la jauría maldita!

Black Shadow

When I think that you have parted,
Black shadow that overshades me,
At the foot of my head pillows
You return making fun of me.

From The Cadenced Roar Of The Waves.

From the cadenced roar of the waves
and the wail of the wind,
from the shimmering light
flecked over woodland and cloud,

They Say That The Plants Do Not Speak

They say that the plants do not speak, not the brooks, nor the birds,
Nor the waves with their roar, not with their brilliance the stars,
So they say: but one cannot be sure, for always when I go by,
They whisper about me and say

I Know Not What I Seek Eternally.

I know not what I seek eternally
on earth, in air, and sky;
I know not what I seek; but it is something
that I have lost, I know not when,

Hour After Hour, Day After Day

between the earth and sky that keep
eternal watch,
like a rushing headlong torrent
life passes on.

Feeling Her End Would Come With Summer's End

Feeling her end would come with summer's end,
the incurable invalid
thought with mingled joy and sadness:
"I shall die in the autumn,

He Who Weeps Goes Not Alone

He who weeps goes not alone,
Keep flowing, I beg of you, my tears!
A single burden suffices the soul;
One joy is never, never enough.

The Spring Does Not Flow Now

The spring does not flow now, the stream is quite dry,
No traveller goes to quench his thirst there.
The grass does not grow now, no daffodil blooms,
No fragrance of lilies floats on the air.

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