RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Organized Serenity

Genuflecting nicely on steps before the altar,
praying for peace, delving into depths of
organized serenity.

Tracks Of Fate

Riding the train of life into future tracks of fate,
sensing derailments and crashes along the way.

Aging Happiness

Striding along pathways made by others, choosing not
to follow their footsteps.
Instead, creating my own, walking where I imagine I
can go.

Coping Skills

Aging settles within us, sapping our strength, knocking us for a loop when we have done just a little.
Holding on, looking around us, watching people in different stages - ones we have already been through.
Seeing various ways people use coping skills that are as varied as hundreds of boxes of crayons.

Ebony Twilight

Darkening lights, simmering in ebony twilight,
watching daylight disappear right before their

Unalterable Destiny

Stretching upwards, touching feelings sitting alone, awaiting recognition from within.
Caressing a solo journey made through subconscious byways along life's unalterable destiny.
Finishing petals of grace, aligning themselves with a soulful beauty stemming from God's great mercy towards us, everlastingly.

Moving In Circles

Juggling time with momentary disillusionment as I uncertainly move in circles towards eternity.
Checking daily with schedules of interior peace as I travel along rose gardens of heaven.
Serenity encapsulating my being as I cross over into a future horizon beyond life.

Finding No Answers

Traveling highways with empty hearts, carrying feelings in cartons of styrofoam, so as not to defile them.
Turning interiorly, looking closely at who I am, and where I'm going, finding no answers as yet, and hope continues to stay alive for the time being.

Narrow Minded People

Situated in a tangle of misjudgements by narrow-minded people who take everything for themselves and leave others in the abyss of destitution.
Why's and wherefores abound, yet no one checks and/or puts a stop to any of it.

Giving Hope

Watching visions of yesterday progress in succession,
taking me along winding roads, over rough trails and
into ocean's depths where intellect abides, giving me
hope to keep moving forward.

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