RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Poetry Flowing Onward

Mind racing up and down measures of time and music,
feeling elated and filled with surprise at all the
thoughts coming together.

Surplus Of Feelings

Disbelief falling in between measures of notes
and tones, being held gently in a delicate pose,
not wanting them to be misread or dropped on
their heads.

Frozen In A Memory

Listening to faraway whispers made in an atmosphere of
love once upon a time, now just frozen in a memory held
closely and remembered whenever wanting to.

Tantalizing Beauty Through Music

Rhythms catching hold, taking mind into an absolute
atmosphere of tantalizing beauty through music.

Wanting to rock and roll, but a country-western melody

Silent Unconditional Embrace

Walking through days at a loss, not knowing
what to do with the emptiness being held so
deep inside.

Preferring Solitary Alonement

Long-lost memories lying in past rhymes of life
and music, portraying sensations of a life fill-
ed with love and laughter.

Moments Holding On For Dear Life

Swinging, swaying, taking the long way home, ignoring
the pain that seems to follow everywhere.

Touching moments that are holding on for dear life, ex-

Tasting Loss Of Years

Playing in sand of yesterday in Miami, Florida when
only four years old, remembering beauty of seeing
it for the first time ever.

Piece Of A Broken Puzzle

Crossing lines of demarcation that were purposely
placed in the middle of life, just to put a piece
of a broken puzzle in the way.

In The Wake Of Loss And Grief

Locating pastimes that all but disappeared in the
wake of loss and grief on this last horizon, want-
ing to fit in somewhere.

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