RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Dreams Are For Naught

Digging ever deeper into an interior spirituality, wanting to
be filled with the Divine bluened light, racing against time,
taking dreams into the twilight.

Game Of Intellectual Chess

Standing on edges of oblivion, enjoying the view as it
touches me interiorly, awakening senses, rising deftly
into another dimension.

Heart Left At Your Headstone

Shining down upon an empty life, threads now broken,
lying lifeless on the dirt-hard ground looking up,
satisfied no more with living.

Cannot Fathom Generous Nature Of God

Nothing can stay the same in life, babies are born,
people die, life is lived and lost daily.

Toiling and laboring throughout the years gives an

Serving Intellect

Finding my way into imagination and it's forests where
I feel at home and comfortable, nothing to interfere
with what I have to do each day.

Entertaining Minds

Stringing together harmonies as they filter into my mind,
touching the essence of my being and loving the effects
they have upon intellect.

Little Lone Rose

A rose blooming in the snow of winter, not feeling the
icy coldness somehow, looking fragrant and beautiful
under the winter sun.

Everlasting Sensitivity

Silently walking along pathways in nature, feeling solace
overtaking me as trees, plants and flowers touch my mind
with their essence.

Phoenix, Arizona

Sitting in the midst of bikers at a bar-b-que, enjoying
their company immensely.

All around, nature is nurturing us in an Arizona sunshine,

Soul Of A Woman

Tears finding their way out of a heart that's been broken and torn apart by abuse, never thinking there were men so cruel and mean to every woman they meet.

Taking their anger and insecurity out on a woman with a kind and compassionate heart, never hurting another soul, wanting nothing in this earthly world.

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