RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Winter Landscapes

Snow-covered mountains showing off their dusty white coats of winter to all who pass.
Looking like confectioners' sugar, sprinkled from heaven's realms to earth.
Beautiful winter landscapes sent to our sight as we travel over roads and cut through mountains and into the night.

Looking Out A Hospital Window

Looking out my hospital window, I see puddles of rain formed across the desert.
Brown desert dirt being flooded, because the ground can't absorb any more heavenly water.
So calm and beautiful, yet desolate and forlorn, much like me inside, sitting alone in this room, listening to Chopin, wishing I could be home writing.

Proceeding No Where

Stretching outwardly, finding no way to proceed without a friend.
Such anger has turned into the saddest portrayal of memories that
once used to be happy and filled with joy.
Forsaking everyone, taking off for other dimensions on the other

Echoes Of Lost Love

Send me not away to death's distant shores -
let me wander endlessly forevermore.
Forget the dreams that can never be realized -
leave behind love's secret whisperings,

Mom? Mom?

Mom? Mom?
I am calling you from the very depths of my soul - my being.
Death won't let you answer and I can feel it's icy chill come
down upon me.


The sadness is so deep, nothing can soothe it.
Nothing can touch it.
The emptiness is so total - nothing can penetrate it.
All eight of us children and Dad can feel it each on our own.

Tearful Image

A picture hanging on the wall - no one here at all.
Only memories alive within my mind.
The real person has died and left only an image to
dwell on once in a while.

Close Friend Dying

Pangs of loneliness, piercing, destroying inner tranquility.
Fear of losing someone drains the life from beings.
Holding on, looking for hope in anything,
wanting to have faith, trying to have it -

Cherished Friendship

My memory is embedded in my soul, therefore I can never
forget you my friend.
I will love you always, even after my death has taken us
from each other's sight.

Heart Breaking Moments

Deportment of life is a solitary puzzle -
it cannot be completed.
Buildings and statues stand as memorials, but of what?
After people who've made them and those they were a

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