RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Reason For Living

Whispering hopes soar about, helping to understand certain aspects of life and finding their ending results are easier to bear.
Watching another in a wheelchair, one leg having been amputated, seeing the sadness emanating from her interior being.
Loss having taken her down a road she'd rather not be traveling upon.
A nurse walks by and grasps her hand, saying, 'good morning' and talking to her for a minute.

Surprise Journeys

Cleansing my mind's world so I may explore and discover more aspects of yet to be prospects in life.
Circumspect thoughts are being viewed and kept aside in many facets of distant plans and will be executed in perfect unison with rhythms of interior life.
Solemn anticipation folds itself around imagination, taking it on journeys of pleasant surprises for all times.

Poem Of Harmony

Looking down narrow, darkened hallways, hoping to continue to see bluened lights at it's end, carrying me forward into a world of acknowledged beauty and reformation.
A pristine arena of life as it is taken out of normal contexts and given the freedom to soar into new frontiers, allowing people to be like pioneers of old.
Enjoying desert landscapes, appearing in full attire before me with splendid touches only nature can bestow upon earth.
An intense desire sits upon my brow, wanting to get lost in it's immense beauty and vast space.

Overlooking Hurt

Loneliness being sung by a rhythm of my heart,
taking me on a journey with images of sadness.
Feeling the abandonment of others intensely,
trying hard to overlook it and continue writing

Living Through Compositions

Fingering beautiful melodies as they travel within my brain, alighting in my mind.
Twinkling brightly, touching imagination with renewed rhythms, taking me to outer atmosphere's where I can be settled down.
Living through each musical composition that reveals itself to me in knowledgeable proportions so I may sit comfortably in life's hardships as they come and go in blinks of an eye through moments of time.

Call From A Friend

Crumpled up inside, being unrecognizable - even to myself.
A friend calling, being straightforward, yet giving of herself, inspiring and encouraging me to move forward without stopping no matter what.
A quiet voice on the phone, touching my soul, knowing God has sent her to let me know I haven't been forgotten, even in the darkest nights of my soul.

Inherent Belonging

Belonging is inherent in our human nature, causing us all to search for love in another person.
Sometimes finding it and enjoying a lasting relationship.
Other times falling along, alone, without anyone to hold, love or treasure us for who we are.
A saddened plight, never reversed, causing a disappointment in love and it's many promises.

Idly Loafing

Casually walking down hallways, not thinking or doing anything in particular.
Loafing idly, wanting to get in gear, it's just not happening right now.
Maybe later in time I'll gather the energy needed to move forward, but not now.

Hopefully Wishing

Wishing hopefully to see friends, visiting with them, talking, enjoying their company.
Sitting here day after day alone, in the hospital, no one stopping by - not even to say hi.
A depressing state of affairs in a life so full of nature and prayer.
Preferring to have company of friends and family now - here - while I'm alive.

Essences Free Us

Liberty and it's pursuit of us as we age, brings about exchanges in our attitudes and how we look at life.
Feeling the freedom, soaring beyond life's limits, we are allowed to become who we are inside.
Taking moments and delving into their essences frees us from other's expectations and we begin to see everything in a new light.

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