RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Half - Heartedly Responding

Another moment in time has come upon us once again,
not entirely matching what we think or feel.

Responding half-heartedly, not wanting to let go

Tempting Touch Of Love

Waking in the midst of our love, wanting to become one,
even though being so tired, touching our hearts with a
fiery passion.

Angels Waiting

Lone men filled with desire, now elderly and living
alone in an empty house, no one to come home to any-
more, just being alone.

Settling Into Moments

Interiorly seeing movies inside this mind, favorites of
family and friends together, settling in many moments
that stay equal and calm.

A Varied Temperament

Rhythms now on the rampage, holding onto their freedom and
independence, not wanting to give up even a moment of its

Welcoming Coolness

Sun slowly setting in the west, today is nearly over,
twilight soon to set in, welcoming the coolness about
to settle upon Phoenix for a few hours.

An Etude Of Luxurious Pleasure

Hearing notes and tones tiptoeing into this mind unhurriedly,
feeling an etude of luxurious pleasure settling within, en-
joying sounds of rhythm.

A Passionate Future Through Music

Forward moving, looking into visions of the future, feeling
excited at their designs of living, possibilities mounting
higher through rhythms.

Endearing Rhythm Of Sentimentality

New insights flowing gently like the calm surface of the
ocean at times, a placid and endearing rhythm of senti-
mentality being draped quietly like a mother covering a
little child at night when going to sleep.

Silent Committment

Atmosphere of tantalizing music captivating and holding
this poet's mind and heart in a silent committment all
throughout this temporary life and beyond.

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