RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Silent Lips

Silent lips praying for hope that will not come to be,
yet continuing anyway.

A bright light unfolds from within, showing us the way

Chords Of Eternity

Decorated beginnings reaching from my soul, attaching them
to intellect and flowing towards oceans of thought.

Picking at ideas like a guitar player, playing his heart

City Of Angels

Magnetizing a lifetime through proper channels, thriving
on edges of another dimension.

Walking into a city of angels, hands prayerfully folded

Love Becoming Pictures

Rehearsing daily, finding pictures being put in albums
already for the future.

Seeing them being taken by interior cameras and developed

Period Of Grace And Music

Feeling rhythm falling heavily in this mind, not letting
itself be ignored in any respect.

Searching for the words to speak of it's tender touch in

Pictures Of Interior Mysteries

Walking down lanes of yesterday, holding onto childhood awe
and wonder.

Letting other's notice what they want, yet not letting any

Intellectual Gifts

Walking into graphic and realistic aspects of this
time, betraying the next periods of existence.

Allowing them a place inside of intellect. causing


Watching decorations being put up all around the center,
smelling the aroma of a bar-b-que, coming into the
atmosphere around me.

Man's Destruction

Capturing my essence in the beauty of nature as it envelopes
me in it's loving arms.

Taking and showing it's environment, letting us see the

Pressure Of Man-Made Schedules

Volumes of pressure from all directions, pushing us down
from all the stress of hurried and harried schedules that
are only man-made and quite unnecessary when closely looked

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