RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Pathways Towards Goodness

Focusing interiorly, seeing our world from the inside
out, wondering how to appease God when all this evil
is prevalent.

Nothing Left Of My Humanity

Being sick and tired of everything, finding no joy or
purpose in rising in the morning.

Watching the miracle of life changing our night into

Watching Families

Watching families come together, ordering food and
carrying on conversations, filled with laughter,
at times a serious discussion.

Generations Of Ancestors

Listening to prayers of my heart, strumming chords of
my spirit as I fall into the spirituality of serenity.

Reaching for the ingenuity and purpose of an interior

Solemnity Of Serenity

Regarding life through rose-colored glasses at times,
only seeing the compassion and goodness set in rose

Simplicity Of Childhood

Happy, standing in days of yesterday, feeling the gentle
love of parental caring.

Living in the simplicity, purity and innocence of child-

Poverty Scraping Minds

Silence of the night, poverty scraping the minds and
stomachs of those who are living on the street.

No home to go to, necessities of life are non-existent,

Focusing On Religious Freedom

Difficult, filled with heartache, life is belittled by
evil and it's penchant for taking away the freedom of

Parlor Of Life's Resistance

Longings for a future filled with love and peace,
taking steps to attain this dream of a lifetime.

Stationing self in the parlor of life's resistance,

Destiny Waiting

Striding into hallways of darkness, plaintively crying
into the sorrow of abandonment, not finding answers
that will assuage the grief within.

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