Royston Allen Poems

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Moving Home For The Last Time

My life was now over so I moved home today.
I have passed on my earthly wealth and gone away.
No need for my goods and chattels to follow me
for they're not required where I am going to be.

My Dear, Do Not Leave Me Now And Do Not Die

There's so much sadness and desperation
and Dark is the path I'm travelling on
The difficulties that I'm going through
Leave me helpless, wondering what to do

It Was A Dry And Barren Place

It was a dry and barren place and you seemed so far away.
My soul had warped and withered and I could not even pray.
A long and difficult road had led me to this dark place;
for I had wandered from the path and could not see your face.

I'M Not Alone

"I love you, " I heard God say
when He came down and walked my way.
Outstretching His arms on the tree;
bowing His head in love for me.

He Chose The Cross

'Father, not My will, but Yours', He said
and chose on the cross His blood to shed.
To bear the pain and wear my shame
even though He was not to blame.

He Passed The Test!

When tempting the Lord Jesus Satan said
'Command all these stones to turn into bread.'
'Man shall not live by bread alone, ' Jesus said
'But by the words that come from God instead.'


Deep Silences Like Thunderbolts Were Hurled

Deep silences like thunderbolts were hurled
through the noiseless deafness of my quiet world.
These sounds were generated from within
for my ears just could not take the sounds in.

You Breathed Your Last Breath For Me

'Heavenly Father, not My will, but Yours, ' You cried
then climbed up the hill of Golgotha where You died.
There upon Calvary's cross You breathed Your last breath
even though You had power over hell and death.

With Joy And Yet With Trepidation

With joy and yet with trepidation
I walk on boldly with the Lord
Full of doubts and anticipation
I am trusting in His word.

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