Royston Allen Poems

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From Womb To Tomb Is My Life Going To Be

I had never, ever seen the light of day
and have had to use a stick to find my way.
From womb to tomb is my life going to be
walking in darkness because I cannot see?

It Is Finished

Resounding throughout the universe transcending time and space
Is the greatest shout of victory heard by the human race
From the lips of the Lord Jesus Christ came that tremendous cry
'It is finished' was His shout as He laid down His life to die.

“thank You Lord, ” I Said

His body was broken
And His blood was shed
Words of love spoken
When He bowed His head

The Candle Of Hope

Hope for the hopeless and hope for the lost.
No matter the price, whatever the cost.
Jesus had come and was willing to pay
being born as a babe that first Christmas day.

He's Alive!

He's alive! He's back from the dead!
He has risen just like He said.
Rising with the power to save.
and conquering death and the grave.

I Attended My Funeral Today.

I attended my funeral today.
My soul left my body and soared away.
because I had breathed out my final breath
and walked with Jesus through the Vale of Death.

The Four Candles Of Advent

The candle of HOPE
Hope for the hopeless and hope for the lost.
No matter the price, Christ has paid the cost cost.
Jesus has come and was willing to pay

Money, Money, Money

The message from Jesus is really very plain.
It says, 'Godliness with contentment is great gain.'
Rothschild's' philosophy of a 'little bit more'
leaves you worldly rich but spiritually poor.

Agape (Sacrificial Love)

'You can still go my love', You said to me,
'I will not hold you back but set you free
for my love for you is so great you see
that I can let you go to see Sammy.'

I Looked Into The Mirror Today

I looked into the mirror today
and I just did not know what to say.
For the person looking back at me
was the person I'd turned out to be.

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