S. J. Fulton

S. J. Fulton Poems


Here on this island, summer never sleeps.
In the green valleys, smoke in cane-time drifts
With mist—frail tide that laps the chasmed deeps
Between the steep clean hills as the sea-tide

To the hills of Aiea, Kamehameha came,
Lord of his people on isles beyond his seeing.
Shading his eyes, the king stood cloaked in fame
And crowned by a curious crested feathered helm.

She speaks for those who cannot speak at all,
For those upon whom fate and chance have fed,
Yet whose mute hearts since the Couple’s fall
Have sought the golden apples, not the red.

The seeking mind’s not only quite uncouth,
But shamelessly subversive, so they say;
It wastes the enterprising years of youth
On heresies. But who are they

I wonder why your ships are painted green
While ours are gray? I’ve heard some sailors say
That swift ships, camouflaged, can move unseen
Against the sea. Strange, though, it’s always cold gray

Let us spare ourselves from even brief
Regrets when we remember our last night
Together; nor should we regret the grief
Our parting caused us. No one can say

Staten Island summer.
Lawns dry and bleached as sand,
leaves withering like wrinkled old men
while we sog and sweat

When I was a young esquire, O God,
as battle raged on every side of me,
I stood upon a hill of heads and limbs
and stared to see you grinning in the clouds,

Listen cousins, and daughters and sons,
This is the song of the exiled ones.

Run away to the mountain, go hide in the cave,

Mr. Wenceslas went out
From his door one morning.
So much smog was round about
He couldn’t see the dawning.

She’s eighteen, she gets married,
Up till then life was varied,
But that’s how life goes as far as she knows,
A woman in a very hostile land.

S. J. Fulton Biography

Former career USN officer (Vietnam era) , now member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace. Divorced. One married son, Gulf War veteran. A granddaughter. Began writing, editing, illustrating in grammar school, continued until retirement. 20+ books & government pamphlets, articles, illustrations in books and magazines, poetry published in 'little magazines'. Active in Unitarian Universalist church, economic & social justice, peace & alternate energy. Haven't watched TV in years. BA Linguistics (English) : MA Medieval History and Philosophy.)

The Best Poem Of S. J. Fulton


Here on this island, summer never sleeps.
In the green valleys, smoke in cane-time drifts
With mist—frail tide that laps the chasmed deeps
Between the steep clean hills as the sea-tide
Once washed the silent hidden hollow rifts
And unseen valleys of its unborn bride.

Sea-bride, child of earth’s red molten womb,
Daughter of fire and chaos long since sleeping,
Who were the people that made your green hills bloom?
Wedded to the seas they were, like you;
From the dark sea, while you your watch were keeping,
They came to make their destined rendezvous.

The broad bare feet step forth on virgin sand,
And eyes raise to the green eternal hills:
Gray mist, green hills and fertile red-clay land,
Alone no more. The carefree caroling laughter
Drifts inland, where valley mist distills
The songs that shall be sung forever after.

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