Sahid Alhaji Kanu

Sahid Alhaji Kanu Poems

How i wish this faceless creature,
Hibernating in nature wasn't me,
I mean it should be some other human,
Cause life has just pushed me out of this world.

A day shall come
The day the spitting pen holder won't hold it no more
Due to the feeble nature of my arms
As they tremble and can't be still like the ocean waters

Dear mama salone
End of year is here
Seems an eon here
Much's passed under

Dear mama salone
A new year is here
Seems an eon here
Much's passed under

Fallen world, fallen world! !
A world of pain and sorrow.
'The struggles of man begin at birth';
His days are few yet sauced with agony and grief.

Imperfection is Perfection at its Best
In a society, image is everything. You are judged from the people you hang out with, the things you do, the clothes you wear. People shout out that the boy sitting in the corner of gym class is too fat or whisper about how that girl down the hall is far too skinny. The head of the dance team is told she has one too many curves and should not be "poppin' and lockin'" with so much confidence, yet the cheerleader is criticized for her petite stature and flat chest. The boy with the glasses? He gets bullied daily for his lack of social activity, meanwhile the football is faking his confidence and putting on a persona simply to hold up his high school reputation.

Children grow up with the assurance that beauty is on the inside, and that what is on the outside doesn't matter, yet this statement has proven itself to be false time and time again. These children were lied to. You were lied to. I was lied to. The world is cruel. It is judgmental and ignorant. People are turned down their dream jobs over the most miniscule stupidities, such as the fact that they have a tattoo on their arm or because their hair is purple. You are judged at every corner of your journey, and your world will always revolve around the physicality of how you look.

Oh girl child,
A rare gem
A care giver
A potential mother

I WRITE to live until the end of time.
I realized my words will perpetually be implemented in mind's

I am an ambassador of rhythms,
Words flowing from deep within the heart,
Speckles of ink shinning on the hills,
I am a co creator an inheritor of norms.

The Best Poem Of Sahid Alhaji Kanu

🇸🇱Sierra Ink📖✍🏽 poem Title. How I Wish. By. Sahid Alhaji Kanu

How i wish this faceless creature,
Hibernating in nature wasn't me,
I mean it should be some other human,
Cause life has just pushed me out of this world.

How i wish this pain could be numbed,
The torture my being undergoes could be stopped,
The little pieces am breaking into could be mend,
And my tired soul could rest again.

How i wish i was never walking on this God forsaken earth,
Full of hatred trauma and heart breaks,
This cursed land only breeding folly and injustice,
This earth infested with pain and death.

How i wish there was an end,
An end to this suffering i can't endure any more,
An end to this wicked generation with no direction,
I mean an end to this world breeding vipers.

How i wish my dying soul could find a small paradise,
Take a break from this unforgiving torture,
Take a deep breath and recollect itself,
And come back stronger for more again.

How i wish i was never this weak,
At least i could stand up for myself,
Maybe i could fight the uncertainties of life,
Too bad am just another day dreamer still cursing pain in the night.

How i wish
@Dah Collins

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