Saikat Adhikari

Saikat Adhikari Poems

Past has gone.
Present is here.
O, My Dear
Wish you a very

It was a Monday
When you came,
It will be a Monday,
When you vacate;


Let me be such a sound
None can hear,
Let me be such happiness
None can bear.

It is raining
But not from the sky.
It is raining
From her eyes.

None could notice my birth
As I was born silently
From the seed thrown by a boy
After eating the mango.

Let me be yours
In the darkness of sorrow,
In the midst of vast cry.
Let me fly across the sky

Victory is the necklace
Of commons.
For eternal time,
None can control

Once I wandering beside the Dakatia,
The darling child of Bangla,
In an alone afternoon.
Nothing to have,

It is winter,
The field has arisen
His vast chest
From the watery bed of the river.

The Best Poem Of Saikat Adhikari

Hope For You

Past has gone.
Present is here.
O, My Dear
Wish you a very
Happy New Year.
Let dreams be true,
Say Bye to sorrow.
Let the miseries be erased
By the eraser like new days.
It's the time to show
The starting power in you.
Be happy,keep happy,
Decorate your life with happy
Smile and love,
The New Year has come
Welcome her by heart.

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