Samuel Richard Leonard

Samuel Richard Leonard Poems


Is my life all that I thought it'd be,
am I who I want to be, who I want to see
in the mirror?

She sleeps the way the willow weeps,
masquerading with the breeze.
Flaunting fiercely or so it seems
into her body my heart it seeps.

From darkness reluctant I do run,
trembling from it's constant call,
endlessly trapped till time is done.

Awake every morning to hear the birds in their song,
I lay awake all night yearning for sleep to come along.
Present me with the present time and my mind will go alone,
off to some other place which I'd rather call home.

Why, in All This Heat Can I Not Find the Sun

I want to rest outside through the thicket of the day,
let the chilling air and nature so fair fill my bay.

Who am I;
but another fading face; fleeting faith, disgrace; begging for a place?

Born of stars;

My dear winter,
your time has come and passed.
The warmth in the cold was full of hot air,
at last,

Oh wet bicycle seat.
How dry you seem to be.
Yet, so moist upon my cheek.
Oh, wet bicycle seat,

I've seen my feet step more than I can bear,
inhaled and exhaled dreadfully unaware
of canopies and their melodies sweet beneath the sky,
where birds sing and bells ring so I'm left wondering why

The lights turned on over the park just now,
orange and still as clouds take their bow
unfurling a chill lit blue by the moon
until the sun comes back far too soon.

I could go for a swim down the bend,
floating down coursing through to no end.
I wonder if people see me sitting here,
what do they think, do they even care?

I want to walk through the woods tonight,
feel the chilling air as I look up at the sky
without a single fear of what lies beyond sight,
and sift through the leaves once o'er head but now underneath.

Again within evening's dread I wake
from a slumber open eyes did take.
Shiver, oh shutter, with each and every breath.
Lay with eyes wide open, dreaming of death.

Take me for a walk away from all sorrow,
far from the roads and into the hollow,
where the woods only end at the shore of dusk,
and dawn's wave crashes breaking night's husk.

I could dream away this life with my lack of sleep,
let the horizon brighten and learn to keep
holding onto the true love I find in you;
learn to live my dreams and unto sleep subdue.

Am i a Hero, walking among the weak?
Is it only compliments that i seek?
How great am i if i cannot take critique?
Am i a Hero, or am i one of the meek?

Sleep now creeps upon my wake;
pressing me until I surely break.
Why do you evade me when I call?
Why in my wake do you press me to fall?

Sprouts of summer now discolored
forever fade and break from jade.
The singing sun swings low for fun
where blue turns gray, and green doth fade

Samuel Richard Leonard Biography

Believe in beauty)

The Best Poem Of Samuel Richard Leonard

Oh My

Is my life all that I thought it'd be,
am I who I want to be, who I want to see
in the mirror?

God, do you hear me? Are you there?
Don't you send me there, don't you dare.
How could you, when we can't prove,
oh I insist, tell us do you exist?

All my life, I've been searching for the answers.
To my surprise, hell there are no answers.
Only theories about entities and all this


god, it's your turn now. Say something here, petrify me with fear, force me to bow.
Go ahead, the end is yours...

Samuel Richard Leonard Comments

Richard S Poulos 10 February 2021

Keep in touch 713-305-5161

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Richard S Poulos 10 February 2021

You are are an incredibly talented man

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Wm L Brooks 03 October 2020

Where are you please call me.615-476-2358.

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I’ll Brooks 03 October 2020

Where are you please?

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Justice Carmon 22 January 2019

Dreamscape has great ironies: it is, to me, like saying the beatings will continue until morale improves. If the Speaker ends up where his whim become law he will have no peers, only pets.

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