Panda! Panda! quiet yet quick
Eating away on his bamboo stick
What dances do you do at night
When all the animals are tucked in tight?
Hey man I thought you were my friend.
I thought you were someone who didn't have to lie or pretend
I thought you were someone who would be there, someone that could be trusted
Someone that would stand up whenever I got busted
Do you ever wonder what's happening in other countries,
When you're here in America spending your money?
Do you ever think about the suffering children
Without food for days?
We trees are everywhere, there are many of us about
We keep to ourselves more and barely ever shout
We don't like to walk much, with our feet in the ground
Although we grow awfully tall and also quite round
It's dark out, pitch black in the middle of the night
There's no light at all, except the shadow of light
Luminous and winding, it walks down the street
Following it's carrier, connected at their feet
I dream a world where
No creature shall be discriminated against
Where one will stand up for another
And come to their defense
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it crackle and scream
Like a lightning strike?
Or tremble like a nervous cat-
I am writing these poems from the bottom of the sea
It is wet and dark down here
And also hard to see
The paper is wet and I’m writing on page three
This poem is about what I think is happening now
Please dropp your things and look around
At the pain the sorrows the hearts on the ground
This man who says I love you is a stupid mistake
In eternal darkness there is nothing but dark space
So dark there is no light to face
It goes on and on forever
Through dark, stormy and icy bad weather
I met a stranger yesterday
And not in the least but pleasant way
We were driving down the street
Between Park and thirty-third
The trees will sleep, the birds will sing
A mischievous squirrel will sneak
Across the park and to the store
To take a little peak
I dream about rain falling all day
It's gray out, with no blue and no light
With no sun, just clouds
I hope it stays like this with nothing bright.
Life is like a miracle
That is special in every way
Death is like a heartache
That only wants to stay
How long is death? As long as path?
No... it's longer
As long as a galaxy as long as the sky is death
Forever and ever on and on, as dark as a pitch black hole
The Panda
Panda! Panda! quiet yet quick
Eating away on his bamboo stick
What dances do you do at night
When all the animals are tucked in tight?
What forest, jungle or prairie field
Will you protect with your shield?
In which tree would you rather dine?
Where you can relax and rest your mind?
With which eye and with which paw
Will you tell us what you saw?
And when your story is done and told
All the mysteries, will they unfold?
What's the dance? When's the show?
In which forest will you go?
And when your done, dare we clap?
Or will you hit us on the back?
Man is coming! Look out! Look out!
Or he'll hit you on the snout!
Did you know your on the brink?
That you're on the verge of being extinct?
Panda! Panda! quiet yet quick
Eating away on his bamboo stick
What dances do you do at night
When all the animals are tucked in tight?