Sarah Nicole Giroux Poems

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I Dont Feel Like Me...Well Not Anymore...

I tell myself that everything's going to be ok,
that there is no reason for all this pain.
The time it took to change, the time it took to
see all those mistakes.

...Idk What To Name It O.O...

my head is messed up,
like my brothers room,
life is so confusing,
I feel doomed,

Teehee (:

When I look into your eyes
all I see is your thoughts moving inside your head.
I want to say how much I love you and how much I think of you,
but all I get out of me is just looking at you and smiling,

Lub Yaa (:

You look at me as if I'm the only girl around
You make me feel important and never let me down

You've showed me how to live

Someone In My Past...

I remember how it used to be
when nothing else matter but you and me
music, school, and future dreams.

What I Wanna Do... [not Really O.O]

I want to run, I want to hide.
From all the pain he caused inside.
I want to scream, I want to cry.
Why can't I tell him Goodbye?

He Knows Me (:

you know the real me
you've seen me cry
you've seen me smile
without you

Is It Confusing? Xd

If at times you feel you want to cry.
And life seems such a trial.
Above the clouds there’s a bright blue sky
So make your tears a smile.

This Ever Happened To Me But Words Just Came To Me O.O'

You broke my heart in two
And took me like a bet,
with all you put me through
I have so many regrets.

My Darling Angel...

There are the days when I'm just oh so happy.
Ecstatic. on top of the world.
Amazed that I feel so light.careless..walking on air with these angels..
Yet, something is always missing.

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