Savita Tyagi Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Nerves of cerebral cortex
stretched like a yarn
On weaver's loom


Energy of anger
So intense, so destructive
Grudge and revenge boil the blood
Once the fury builds up in veins

Why Do I Write

So why do I write
First answer instantly comes
For a simple desire to express my self.

Keep Me In Your Grace

Sitting in quiet
I surrender to you
O! My lord
My winnings your grace

Spirits Of Dark And Angels Of Light

Sometimes I close my eyes and wonder
Was there ever a time of peace on earth?
Was cursed Kaliyuga ever not upon us?
Was this soil ever not colored with blood?


How can we adapt to this mysterious principle
Of oneness of universe,
So widely spoken by all leaders in religion
As well as in politics and economics?

Goodness Sprouts By Evil In Las Vegas Shooting

Las Vegas shooting miraculously restored
Faith of millions in great human spirit.
While the bullets were raining down
On crowd so oblivious to death hounds,

A New Flower

Upon the grave of the old
A new flower blooms.
Sadly it never knew the
Loving nurturing hands of a Gardner.

A Bird's Chase And Bee's Flight

On one of my morning walks when the
Day felt ignoble and routine, suddenly
A black bird with a coarse shriek came
Flying violently in air above my head.

Reflections (On Self, God, And Potentiality)

When I try to search for my identity
I find countless layers of realized
And unrealized potentialities.

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