Savita Tyagi Poems

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What a marvelous living organism
My Body is!
Walking, talking, breathing,
Like a tree housing many lives in unison.

Before You Bid Adieu

O sweet breathe of life
Stay with me a little longer
Be my companion
I still have to find the bird

Time To Look In The Mirror

'The entire world already knows
That we water- boarded the prisoners'
The entire world also knows that
Our police shot the unarmed man

A Tribute To Selma

A Tribute To Selma

Today America commemorates
The historic 50th anniversary of Selma.


Show that you care or show that you are not bothered.
Show that you listen or pretend that you never heard.


In a night of icy rain
Icicles jingle on my window
Like musical notes
Of silvery crescendo

Winter Night

Silent winter night!
Barely a star is visible in the grey sky.
Patches of snow upon grey grass-
Black and white, all rest


To say that I do not get hurt is to say that I am not human
To say that I do not feel your pain is to say that some invisible thread does not connect you and me
To say that I am mysterious, that you know nothing about me is to say that you really have never tried to know me
I may not be an open book but I have pages waiting to be read.

Being A Senior Citizen-

I think I want to go back to basics,
With just enough energy for tactics
Needed for my everyday living, don't
Have time to dissect all my yearnings.

Life River

River of life flows calmly ‘mid plains.
Alluvium of grief and joy settle at the bottom.
An intense emptiness stretches upon surface.
Ripples of memory circle out gingerly to create a stir.

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