Africa, Beautiful yet unappreciated
Africa, Sahara to the Atlantic
Africa, From Zulu Land to Yoruba Land
Africa, From Nile River to River Niger
Hillary, Great Woman of all time.
Hillary, Great wife of a Great Man,
Hillary, Great Mother of a Great daughter,
Hillary, Great in her chosen profession,
Who needs you,
why do they call you second,
What is your chance,
When I fail to meet the expectations,
The entity that is dreaded by all but ever present everywhere, a non-respecter of age,
Poverty does not have regard for race, nor nationality, as it is present in every part of the globe,
Poverty breeds diseases, it has siblings like misery, ignorance, illiteracy, dejection, rejection, degradation, agony,
Poverty means the difference between haves and have-nots, the rich and the poor, the upper and the lower class,
Who is she,
The one that toils and wails.
The one that cries when I lack.
Life, Life, Life, Life,
Life, is what you make of it, some will say,
Life, is up and down, a roller coaster others will say,
Life, is what you see as your daily activities,
What a bright sunny day, the day long awaited for glory,
What a day set aside for long distance runners the world over to showcase their talents,
What a day, when all eyes were focused on the east coast of America,
What a day, when lovers of Marathon were glued to flat panel screens,
Did I choose you to be my parents
Did I choose to come to your household
As I watched the sun set and sun rise,
Day by day, wondering and lamenting
She was dark,
she was beautiful
She was promising,
What names did you not call poverty
Machinery in the hands of Aristocrats,
Toiling day and night,
Falling short in every way possible,
Always in the middle, middle of nowhere,
A monster came to Vegas, to massacre.
He came not for the fun but to kill the fun.
He snuck into a hotel, he took his time to dine and wine.
He mingled with the crowd, he took his time to survey his targets.
The certainty of the passage of time, periods, seasons add up to bring future,
The inevitability of what it will be, and what should be,
The progression of events that will aggregate to become expectancy of what would be,
The days and nights, the toils of daily labor, the dreams of what life should be,
They heard loud noise; bang! , bang! ! , bang! ! !
The noise was not from shattering glasses,
The noise was not from bangers of Christmas,
The noise came from a monster looking these angels in their faces,
They come in various shapes, sizes, ages, genders, and skin colors.
They are from all nationalities, races and denominations.
They come with different books, pamphlets, and other literature.
They toil to build shelters for the homeless, they provide food for the hungry, they cloth the naked, they give care and provide hope for the sick, they visit those in prisons, they provide water for those thirsty.
Mandela! , Mandela! ! , Mandela! ! !
What can I say about you, for you were everything most people wished they could be.
Madiba, you chose the hard option when faced with multiple choices including the most favorable option of silence.
Mandela, you lived and died for ideal that all men were born equal, with same anatomy and endowment from same creator.
Komlar Dumor; 1972-2014.
Suddenly, seriously? ., Seriously? .
Komlar is gone?
Adieu Komlar, what a colossal loss,
My Girl.
My Girl, my princess, my gem,
It seems like yesterday when I held you in my hands as a tot,
The cries of new life, new arrival to the family,
MICRO-AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF DR. SEGUN RASAKI. Segun Mufutau Ayinde Joseph Rasaki was born on Friday October 18th 1963 at Saint Catholic Hospital, Oluyoro Oke-Offa in Ibadan, Oyo-State Nigeria to Ijebu parents named Muraina Rasaki and Idayat Ashabi Rasaki [Nee Bajo]. He is the first male but the third birth from the mother who had a total of eight deliveries. He was in the womb for thirteen months because of the good fortunes prophesied about his life which the kingdom of darkness tried to abort in-utero. Schooling: He attended Baptist Primary School Oke-Ado, Ibadan, Nigeria until 1970, because he was delayed from starting school earlier by a mysterious fire accident that almost ended his life at age four. He proceeded to Ibadan Boys High School until 1980 and thereafter had his Higher School Certificate education at Ibadan Grammar School, Molete, Ibadan. He attended University of Lagos, Faculty of Science for Preliminary Medicine and subsequently went to College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Id-Araba, Lagos-State, Nigeria, where he graduated in 1987. Work Experience: Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Idi-Araba, Lagos State Nigeria for his housemanship 1987-1988. Isolo Health Center now Isolo General Hospital, Isolo, Lagos-State for the National Youth Service program from1988 to 1989. He established in 1989, Idayat Medical and Ultrasound Center, Challenge, Ibadan, Oyo-State, Nigeria. He was at University College Hospital, the department of Radiology, Ibadan, Oyo-State, Nigeria from 1990 to 1996 for training as a Radiologist. He proceeded to United States of America in 1999, and was at Indiana University-Methodist Hospital Family Medicine Department and Department of Public health from 2002 to 2004. He was at Loma Linda University Teaching Hospital, Department of Family Medicine, Loma Linda in San Bernardino County California from 2005 to 2007. He established Dr. Segun Rasaki, MD., LLC Indianapolis, Indiana, USA in 2007 and worked till 2013. Hobbies: Writing, Lawn Tennis, Poetry. He is highly blessed and favored by the best in the highest.)
Africa, Beautiful yet unappreciated
Africa, Sahara to the Atlantic
Africa, From Zulu Land to Yoruba Land
Africa, From Nile River to River Niger
Africa, Rain and Sunshine round the year,
Africa, With her greenery lustre
Africa, With Coolness, Calmness, a Serenity unequal
Africa, Your hospitality and warmth taken for granted
Africa, Raped and left desolate, yet richly blessed
Africa, Your Children scattered all over the World crying for you
Africa, You are simply mine Africa.
really i am saying this that segun rasaki is a good poem writter.
why me poem is just so funny and it is nice poem to read by the kids/young people.
'Love is everywhere on the lips, but only very few love from the heart'
Life is an experiment and everyone is a participant. Whatever the outcome or result of the experiment, we all learn from it.
Challenge becomes more challenging when easy and simple steps are sidetracked for complex and more difficult options of tackling the challenge.
When you make other people's businesses your business, they will also make your business their business, and the result is chaos and confusion that may end up destroying lives.
Once-upon-a-time enemy should be seen and regarded as a forever-enemy because leopard does not change skin color and DNA or gene does not transform.
It is okay to be rich, it is okay to be poor, regardless of your financial status it is not okay to be wicked because true richness is measured by the quality of your character
Try not to walk in someone's shadow because you may end up having your own shadow in total eclipse to your detriment.
Whatever you do, know that the world is watching
Help with a just cause today and be happy forever
The main notes of today are footnotes of tomorrow
No justice, no peace. No peace, no prosperity. No prosperity, no progress. Justice is too tough to be suppressed and it does not die.
Love is only right if it is reciprocal
Corruption becomes rampant in a society where Love had been slaughtered
Talk the talk and fail to walk the walk may not achieve much, but walk the walk and let your work do the talk is the epitome of success.
Good physicians (doctors) must have patience to treat patients, and patients must have tremendous patience to become good patients. (C) Dr. Segun Rasaki
Sometimes the method and approach that gets someone to the top may not be sufficient to sustain the person in that position.
Common sense does not kill, it is a building block of survival.
There are millions of reasons for evil people doing bad things but there is only one reason for good people doing good; 'it is because it is good to do good'.
Never write off all of your adversaries because today's enemy may become tomorrow's friend. Some people act out to draw your attention to accept them into your circle of friends.
Please stop making excuses for bad behavior because the main reason for such behavior lies in the gene.
Cowards are capable of inciting people to riots with rhetorics but will hide to save their heads and also take no responsibilities for their actions.
Success has many claimants and relations but failure has no claimants nor relations.
The ten Republican Congress members that voted to impeach the president on Wednesday January 13th 2021 displayed loyalty to the country and its constitution. They should be rightly called Independents because true independence is to vote conscience and righteousness.
Power of repetition: when you get to hear a lie repeatedly after a while you begin to believe that it is the truth.
Whoever you are, whatever your accomplishments are, and wherever you may find yourself, remember that what is important as a human being is how human you are to your fellow human being. (C) Dr. Segun Rasaki
In the assembly of men it is popular to say; a time to talk and a time to be silent. However, not everyone knows how to apply this. Hence some people get classified as wise and others as not-so-wise in gatherings of peers.
God gave us ten commandments to follow but these ten can be summarized as; Love God and Love Man.
Life is a race, it has a beginning and an end for everyone.
Integrity once destroyed is difficult, almost impossible to rebuild.
Devil wants to take you back to your past but God wants to take you to your future.
There are categories of people: young young men, old young men, young old men, old old men same applies to women, every category depends on the brain and heart.
I have picked zero battle since I learned to pick my battles
Brevity is the beauty of poetry, and readership is the icing on the cake of poetry.
Yesterday's events represent your history, today's events form your story while future events represent your glory
Life is a journey with many bus stops on the way and only the creator knows the destination, just enjoy the ride.
Fantasies keep hope alive.
Fights can be prevented if you learn to reset your brain and boundaries, each time you get offended.
Happiness is freedom and freedom is Happiness.
Children are have one get one because marriage is bring yours and get opposite sex as bonus.
There will always be two different sets of people discussing every issue. It is a debate and the debaters with superior facts will win.
Government that doesn't blow its trumpets will be bombarded by propaganda that will perish it.
The onus is on the people who see goodness and hope in the Government to stand up and speak up.
The man died in him that keeps quiet in the face of negativity against the greater good that the government is doing for the masses.
Anyone who wants to criticize must bring alternatives to propose as substitutes.
yo where this dude from i have a language art project