Shah Jehan Ashrafi

Shah Jehan Ashrafi Poems

It surges like waves in one's mind
Meditating over it brings more pain
But without it there is no gain
Life is a sea of sorrows


Guilt is veiled in weak souls
The souls that do not answer to conscience's calls
Everyday to purify ourselves we do pine
Wrapped deep inside us guilt is repentance divine

Fed up with life a man was meditating
Everything around him could only be irritating
He thought he would end up his existence imitating
His motto was somehow to be always creating

Water water everywhere

And yet not a drop to drink

Incognito I go

Every moment hollow

My mum she was, kind and meek
In the wardrobe of my memories for her do I now seek
She is gone in the tomb
There she is carefree like in a mother's womb


The scorching sun was laughing
Blisters of my feet were crying
My heart sweated with fear
By my side was no one dear


Fear came to me on its doomsday
From here and there it was running away
I found it odd to find fear so frightened
Usually by harassing others were its days brightened

Invisible like the wind and crystal clear like water
The mystic's identity is so difficult to understand
His simplicity makes us fathom over his spirituality
His devotion remains a mystery to be decoded

The Best Poem Of Shah Jehan Ashrafi


It surges like waves in one's mind
Meditating over it brings more pain
But without it there is no gain
Life is a sea of sorrows
At every step it looms
Doomed to be its prey
Blinded, human beings do not find their way
A turmoil it brings
Every moment like a bell it rings
Destiny leads us to its arms
We are all intoxicated by its charms
Sharing it may sometimes alleviate its intensity
To get rid of it means losing one's identity
Let me fill my cup with this wine
Sometimes hollow, sometimes divine
It is here to keep making the heart pine
Oh sorrow what is your philosophy?
Tell me, tell me
Are you a friend or an enemy?

Shah Jehan Ashrafi Comments

Hasnain Aaqib 01 April 2013

A nicely written poem, and the conclusion of a man's introspection about guilt. Good thoughts.

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Hasnain Aaqib 01 April 2013

A nicely written poem, and the conclusion of a man's introspection about guilt. Good thoughts.

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