sharon kubeck

sharon kubeck Poems

Good morning my angel my ray of light,
It is but you I will never lose sight!

Your sweetness that you bring to me,

Good morning my sunshine!

Good morning my beautiful sunshine who shines upon my face,
You are but the one I want and no one can take your place!

Tears of Joy!

Tears of joy I will cry for you, let my love flow eyes for all to see!
Tears of joy I will be your happiness, I will be there to erase them for you!

Guardian Angels Watch over You!

May the Guardian angels guide and protect you,
To let the light of God's love always be with you!

In my Darkest Hour!

In my darkest hour you're my strength to set me free!

Fate or Destiny

Is it fate or destiny that brings your smile for me to see?

Thank you for the laughter and the drying of my tears

Thank you for laughter and the drying of my tears
To wash away my nightmares and terrible fears

As he begins to kiss my neck
>As he begins to kiss my neck and breast,

I am there for you

Whenever you start to stumble and fall, I will be there to pick you up!

Whenever you need to wipe a tear from your eye, I am the sunshine who will dry them up!

Whenever you need a gentle touch to make you feel warm, I am a warm fuzzy feeling that you get inside!

I'd Cross a Fire

I'd Cross a Fire,
To move heaven and earth to keep you by my side!

I'll be Here Waiting!

To walk through the forest the deepest ocean,
I will be here waiting for you!

Goodnight Mr. Moon!

Goodnight Mister Sun, Goodnight Mister Moon, Goodnight my kitty cat I love you!

In the arms my angel

In the arms my angel you will walk with me, keeping me safe from the stormy seas.
In the arms of my angel you will pick me up to fly above the darkest sky.

I promise you this!

I promise you this! To tell you I love you every single day of our lives!
I promise you this! Make your sunny and bright, no matter how you feel!

Good Morning Mother Earth

Good morning Mother Earth good day to you,
Another day to walk and enjoy the wonderful view!

You're my Angel

You are my angel, who brings me sunshine and light,
You are the one I adore with joy and delight!

What You Mean To Me

A deep sigh, beating of our hearts when we met eye to eye!
A soft gentle kiss, which will last me forever!

Happy Earth Day!

Let's get together and celebrate,
Its Earth day, it's not too late!

I'll be Your One!

If you're alone, I'll be your shadow
If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder

Never have you left my mind!

Never have you left my mind, I can pause and rewind!
I still feel the passion and those sweet kisses you bring!

The Best Poem Of sharon kubeck

Good Morning My Angel

Good morning my angel my ray of light,
It is but you I will never lose sight!

Your sweetness that you bring to me,
Will keep my heart and peace and harmony!

There is hope and love and dreams,
Your face I see all the time it seems!

The touch of kindness of your smile,
Will make me want to walk an extra mile!

It is destiny that has brung you to me,
Forever I will love you through eternity!

Love you babe! Good morning

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