Sharron Stephenson

Sharron Stephenson Poems

i have a burning feeling inside,
like i am been torn apart,
the pain is unbearable,
the flashbacks are the worst,

to look deep inside the heart,
to find the strength to fight,
may not always be there,

the day i met you you was the start,
of a new life,
the past i could leave behide,
because you love me,

Why should we face times alone when they,
Are there not the way, we wish,
Lies and truth can take the place,
Of love and happiness,

the way we seach our past,
present and future,
depends on how we live,
after heart ache and,

make the most of life you can,
as it can go so fast,
a sprinkle of sand,
that is all the time we have,

a burst of pluse,
a beating heart,
the open mind,
the soul aflame,

a slow crawl,
a quite whisper,
a playful time,
windy day rainy days,

to ride a bike,
to drive a car,
sled down the hill,

the laughter singing and joy,
movement of the footsteps,
up the stairs and then the shouts,
shut up and go to sleep,

the shadow of the movement in the rain,
and sun is just smiles and tears,
from the angels above,

share the news open the silence,
bolt the numbers wodden counts,
peach of fruit student of life,
memorys are death,

the peaceful rainbow which had followed,
the black clouds from the storm,
of life which caused a painful sorrow,
has come to a end,

a kiss is just a kiss
a wink is just a wink
nothing is nothing

the first date,

to look your best,
you spend hours,

behind the fears of the world,
there is still alot of good,

foundations are a base,
a start, a level, of life or a building,
places of strength and hope,
roots are shoots of trees,

the house we built,
the roof we placed,
walls are strong and safe,

to sink to swim or to float,
on the leaves of spring,
life barrier to the heart,
a movement a stroke of the pen,

to make the cupcakes,
first you need to have grace,
a heart of gold,

Sharron Stephenson Biography

I have found the strength in my heart to stand by myself walk towards the air I breath my love of the words I write always and will always come from the heart)

The Best Poem Of Sharron Stephenson

A Child Inside

i have a burning feeling inside,
like i am been torn apart,
the pain is unbearable,
the flashbacks are the worst,
nightmares are taken the toll on me,
i wish it was all gone there,
are times like now when i wish i was never,

is this due to the feeling i was to blame?
this was all my fault,
he kept saying to me. if i told they would,
not belive me,
and i would be taking away,

could i have dealt? with all the problems,
in a driffrent way,
all this is wrong,

i feel like i what to die right now,

i need help and support,
as this is going to be a long and hard,
road ahead,

could i have stopped this from happening,

i feel like a child trapped in a adult body,
i am so tired all the time,

i wish i could find the on of switch i,
had so i could turn all this of,

is it poss? for me to love someone and,
can someone love me

Sharron Stephenson Comments

Kumarmani Mahakul 24 October 2018

On behalf of all fellow poets, PH family and our Mahakul family we offer a title of honour to poetess Sharron Stephenson from Portree, United Kingdom as, Soothing Sparkle. This title of honour is offered to her due to her literary perseverance and contribution to the world literature. From today onward she will be known, as Soothing Sparkle Sharron Stephenson. We hope, all poets, people and visitors will like this.

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Sharon Birdsall 05 September 2011

this poet has a great mind, and a great heart

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Robert Wilson 04 September 2011

i think that(SHARRON STEPHENSON,) has a good mind and heart

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Kevin Halls 07 August 2011

Hi Sharron, Thanks for getting in touch, glad my poem made you laugh I try to inject humour into a lot of my poems.I haven't come across any of yours before, so have read a few today and I like your style. They come over in a spiritual way is that your intention? Anyway keep up the good work, all the best, Kevin.

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Kevin Eaglesfield 01 August 2011

I think Sharron's poetry is a release and an attempt to make some upsetting things a bit less hurtful and easier to think about. I hope it helps others too.

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Sharron Stephenson Quotes

to live life always remember that people are always strange until we know their heart

to be loved is to be loved by the heart of you

if you fail you fail that is life way for you to build up and up your fight is strong

no what happens in life please find the friends let will let you cry on the shoulder of love

The strength of a heart, the playful soul, never fails without standing straight back up again.

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