Shirani Rajapakse

Shirani Rajapakse Poems

They sit in a row, heads
Bowed low, and accept

Hands across the world we are
the masses. We protest injustice
that those in high office calls
justice. We weather the spray,

Out of the ruins of war rose a voice
so calm it took us by surprise. Was this
peace? We rejoiced and marveled at
the thought.

Lifting, moving,
bowing. Blue stripes
on loose white cover
skin and bone too


Give me a sip of water
for my lips are parched, my throat too dry
to speak and I will sing you a song
of the Sahel as I remember it. A song soft

The aroma from my coffee wafts
through the room. The sweet
taste of the doughnut lingers in my
mouth as I sit in cushioned

The men ride through the night. Their horses
gallop to time on the sands as they
move through the dust rising, rising like a cloud.
And as they move they sing.

You placed me on
a shelf and left
me there to dry. I was

You watched from your window as they came in numbers
large enough to take over the world.
One by one they built a park of humanity.
I watched from my PC, my window to there – where you were.

She stared out at the people passing on
the street before her. A myriad
of colours and shapes
wafted by, some hurrying some moving

The smell of smoke and acid thins
on the wind as warm breezes
blow softly, taking them away,
from the desert.

I’m bored with this life.

Can I go home? But where is
home? How do I get there? Which bus


The noise engulfs me. Yet I’m
alone. The birds sing outside.

Yet I’m alone.

The wind rustled through
the trees, moving this
way and that
and the leaves began to

Genghis Kahn rode through the land,
across mountains and plains
cutting me down, leaving me in shreds. But
I rose. The old university at Nalanda

I didn’t see it coming. My cup
was full and overflowing. You picked at
your food staring over my head

It got in the way,

that’s what they said. They
needed space for the road for

A small hand reaches out; cupped. Held
against the closed window
of the car at the head of the line.

Remember, you said, that day. People
falling from the sky like stars,
burnt out flares unable to cling on. Fire

Little child with the big gun
Do you know how to use it?
Have you seen what it can do, to
you, to others? Tear them into

Shirani Rajapakse Biography

Sri Lankan poet and author Shirani Rajapakse began publishing in 2011. Her debut collection of short stories 'Breaking News' (Vijitha Yapa 2011) was shortlisted for the Gratiaen Award. Her poetry is published in literary magazines and anthologies (both print and ezine) . In early 2013 she won the 'Cha 'Betrayal' Poetry Contest. Her poem 'The Shower' was selected as a finalist in the Anna Davidson Rosenberg Poetry Awards 2013. Except for a few, the majority of poems included here are all previously published. The original publisher and date of publication is included below the poems. Below is a list of literary magazines and anthologies that feature her work. Literary magazines: Kitaab, Cyclamens & Swords, Channels, Linnet’s Wings, Spark, Berfrois, Counterpunch, Earthen Lamp Journal, Asian Cha, Dove Tales, Buddhist Poetry Review, About Place Journal, Skylight 47, The Smoking Poet, New Verse News, The Occupy Poetry Project. Anthologies: Ballads, Short & Sweet, Poems for Freedom, Voices Israel Poetry Anthology 2012, Song of Sahel, Occupy Wall Street Poetry Anthology, World Healing World Peace 2012 and Every Child Is Entitled to Innocence. She blogs at http: //

The Best Poem Of Shirani Rajapakse

Silently Waiting

They sit in a row, heads
Bowed low, and accept
The law’s blows.
Forced to breathe pepper
As the law hovers
In front spraying in
Hope they would leave.
Or die. That would be
Better for the law. No
The cameras flash but
Don’t intervene to save
The students. Prevent
The police onslaught.
Defenders of democracy
What say the press standing
Silently watching,

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