Mueran contigo, Laura, pues moriste,
los afectos que en vano te desean,
los ojos a quien privas de que vean
Hombres necios que acusáis
a la mujer sin razón,
sin ver que sois la ocasión
Perdite, señora, quiero
de mi silencio perdón,
si lo que ha sido atención
Me acerco y me retiro:
¿quién sino yo hallar puedo
a la ausencia en los ojos
Lo atrevido de un pincel,
Filis, dio a mi pluma alientos:
que tan gloriosa desgracia
Males perverse, schooled to condemn
Women by your witless laws,
Though forsooth you are prime cause
Of that which you blame in them:
This that you see, the false presentment planned
With finest art and all the colored shows
And reasonings of shade, doth but disclose
This afternoon, my love, speaking to you
since I could see that in your face and walk
I failed in coming close to you with talk,
Since I'm condemned to death
by your decree, Fabio,
and don't appeal, resist or flee
the wrathful judgment, hear me,