Stan Petrovich Poems

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On The Death Of Albert Camus

At 200mph
in the deserts of Algeria
he and is companion fully grasped the true meaning of 'absurd.'
They plowed headlong into a tree and were both killed

For One

Would good graces allow
My stiff head to bend, and
Windward, though blowing less hard,
Among the crags and sharpened stones,

Radio Waves

Radio waves are the beacon
Of hope. This is
Anthropocentrism. Because

Dead Of The Day

The palo verde bugs screeching
In some unseen green tree
Near a dry wash
The heat simmers the air at 112 degrees

In The Lonely Apartment Den

Whether the clock's striking three
Or nothing at all,
Life begins and ends here
The universal atoll.

The Future Affects The Past

The universe has no single history. Light from some quasar
At a distance unholy
Can now be interrupted,
Thus making its origin different,

In The Midst Of The Sands

Take all the heartbreak the world can dole
And ball it around the foam at the shore, our shore.
I toe into it, my thought seized by the rain in my face
Comingled with the tears;

Sylvan Scene

Crunching through snow,
High Arizona plateau;
Mt. Humphreys as backdrop,
Aspen forest,

A Ghostly Seasound

The Peal of a Distant Foghorn:
I think it is real
Or it the wind blowing into my ear
In some anatomically weird way:

Horses Of The Sea

they come and frolic
these horses of the sea
they are stiff and melancholic
as are you and me;

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