RoseAnn V. Shawiak Standing Poems

Timing Standing Alone

Quality timing standing alone, awaiting someone to begin
growing closer.

Standing in lines of resentment, broken hearts held in

Standing In The Wilderness

Signing my name to every poem being written so there
will never be any confusion when I am dead and gone,
on who wrote them.

Standing Still

Falling over steps in life,
too steep to climb up them.
Staying on landings where it's safer,
never moving into realms of fulfillment.

Grief Standing Between Us

Clasping hearts, held in sorrow of life's passing, creating changes in each, no longer being the same people.
Grief standing between us, not allowing a closeness to be perceived as yet.
In time, maybe, but how long it will take is anyone's guess.
Purposeful loneliness standing stead until we once again can communicate on a level of trust.

Life Standing On End

Life is standing on end, trying to shake me off with myriad

Standing On The Porch

Writing from memories of peace,
feeling safe and secure in my inner sanctum.

Living and loving on edges of life, making

Mirrors Standing Back

Reflections reaching me from mirrors standing back,
trying to be inconspicuous, yet I can see them
touching my mind with secrets of life.

Standing Back

Times come around, and have now fallen
down into the cisterns of evil, trying
to take me with them.
But I stand back and refuse to move in

Standing Alone On A Sunsetical Shore

Lying back in a haze of what life is supposed to
have been, but has never quite gotten there.

Standing alone on a sunsetical shore, seeing the

Standing By With Tears

Sincere and compelling, thoughts are being thought, tears
are falling into depths of this being without any limita-
tions or boundaries.

Standing Against Evil

Renewing, refreshing, energizing this interior life spiritually,
for life has been diffusing it steadily with all the evil and
corruption going on.

Standing In The Sun

Opening up to a new day, mind taking in every detail of beauty and
serenity, living in a place of peace and harmony, wanting nothing
more on this earth.

Standing In The Distance

Standing in the distance, looking into a final sunsetical
horizon that's awaiting my presence in the near future.

Watching as it's beautiful colors tantalize and allure me

Standing In Harmony

Singing, finding pleasure in feelings of happiness and
joy, taking measures of time into passion, climbing in-
side of my being.

Nature Standing Alone

Storm brewing just outside, wind blowing trees filled
with yellow flowers, bobbling their miniature heads as
dust begins to blow across the desert.

Standing Ovation

Interesting news coming into my possession, some of our
Vets are going to fight isis on their own, because obama
won't let our forces do it.

Impossibilities Standing In Line

Testing strength and inner integrity,
finding it fastidious and steady, never
wavering from intent and focus that is
always at my beck and call.

Poetry Standing Alone

Sacrosanct thoughts sitting in reflections of my mind,
cogitating, lying out in the open, awaiting the moment
when they will be written into a poem.

Standing Strong

Lifting voices all over America, voting down sharia law
across the nation, because it is illegal here in the
United States of America.

Goodness Standing Up

Pounding rhythms settling into poetical interludes, traipsing
across interior deserts of existence.

Feelings Standing Alone

Racking brains with logic and reason, hitting a cue
ball with extrasensory feelings coming through veils
of another universe.

Standing, Quietly Watching

Standing on sidelines, finding out quietly and
surreptitiously how things are now being done

Standing On The Brink

A glimmer of light, then darkness fills the night,
flying on wings of prayer, to fulfill it's destiny,
it knows not where.

Standing Back From Edges

Traipsing quickly into stairways of tomorrow, wasting no
time, standing back from edges of my next horizon.

Reaching upward into the atmosphere, taking hold of the

Standing On Edges

Standing on the edge of marriage, looking in.
Gazes fixed on family, bringing together more
than just ourselves.
Love has various aspects and connections,

Standing Alone, Combining Ideas

Straightening pathways of my mind at times, to get a better
picture of where it's thoughts are going.

Pondering the style and pictures coming to the forefront,

Standing Alone, Apart

Standing alone, apart, in another world my mind came
to rest on a stone unhurled.

Restless as the day without it's dawn, hopelessly I

Standing In Lengthening Shadows

Alive with a knowing tenderness of sorrow, playing a tune
of death tomorrow, standing in lengthening shadows of
evening, barricading laughter from coming closer.

Standing Guard Over Pioneer Village

Beautiful mountains standing straight, reaching for
the sky, clouds filling every part of the atmosphere.

Saguaros straight, at attention, looking from atop the

Standing Against Abuse

Watching skies, waiting for raindrops to begin falling,
wanting them to hide the tears of an innocent heart as
it breaks apart right inside of a being.

Standing Alone, Listening To Feelings

Listlessly moving through life, walking into a combination of music and coded rhythms, suddenly hearing intense lyrics of emotional times when once in love.

Now no longer standing alone listening to its story of feelings, wondering where life will end.

Reality Standing Out

Long distance feelings have fallen deeply into a song being
sung upon the stage before us, a reality stands out in every
measure, taking everyone on a solo journey of their own.

Sun Standing Steadfast

Wind blowing across the desert, dust flying in
all directions without stopping, nothing to get
in its way at all.

Standing In Shadows Of Life

Energy filtering into my being, taking me into an
inner atmosphere where I live even while dying.

Not minding the turmoil from this vantage point,

Standing Alone

Washing away fruitless images sticking like glue where
I no longer want them to be.

Filing them away, taking their feelings, placing them

Standing In Serene Corridors Of Life

Standing in corridors of life, doors opening, beckoning this
poet into various dimensions where silence and serenity go
hand in hand.

Veteran's Standing By

Watching carefully, everything that our government is
doing, democrats trying to get their new world order
(NWO)in place with a dictator of their choice.

Life Never Standing Still

Living totally in every moment of life, giving and taking,
hoping to get love in return, life never standing still,
minds always wondering what tomorrow will bring.

Standing On A New Path

Finding self, sketching a new me, in behaviors of interior
attitudes, changing so creatively and beautifully.

Sending self into depths of new love and climbing ivy walls

Standing Up To Enemies

Staying focused, listening to everything, finding out what's
going on in the world, Trump standing up to our enemies and

Mesquite Trees Standing Tall

Mesquite trees reaching out to this mind, green and
thorny, laughing at my reluctance to come close and
hug them.

Standing By

Silence filling me in the stillness of this darkened
life, giving me pause and time to think.

Always refreshing my mind in the starlit nights and

Standing As One

Somber thoughts fill the atmosphere, our nation is being
torn apart by obama and his muslim terrorists.

Caring nothing for American people, he continues to wreck

Standing Naked

Stepping up and into the vast desert of my soul,
there I am stripped of everything, and standing
naked in front of God.

Moments Standing In Lines Of Remembrance

Rhythms of loneliness play over and over through tears of sadness and hearts of sorrow, looking through pages of a solitary life.

Moments standing in lines of remembrance, living in confines of what is yet to come in those we now love and care for.

Standing Alone Against The World

Standing alone against the world, trying to have courage
and stamina through trials ahead.

Facing everything in prayer, because hope isn't here

Standing Tall

Like a lighthouse sending light to guide the way of ships, many times circumventing wrecks.

Helping others to see which way to go, always standing tall, can never
bend at all.

Life-Standing Alternatives

Staring out into the great beyond, wondering what
is in store for future use.
Life-standing alternatives trivialized alongside of
reality, foregoing any livelihood of perception, as

Senses Standing On End

Steady rhythm standing on end, giving life the
many extensions of pure definitions in prose.
Pious diction filling pages with it's faithful
illusions to all the good on this earth.

Rhythms Bravely Standing

Listening to musical rhythms aligned just so in many
measures of notes, beats, rests and tempos, all are
bravely standing the test of time as years go past.

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