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The Conspiracy Of Covid-19

A friend said that Yan Limeng was not an expert at all. She was only in her 30s this year. She was only an assistant in the laboratory. Her job was to use small hamsters to conduct experiments to analyze pathological reactions and infectivity. She usually had no chance to get in touch with core experiments and data.

Although Yan Limeng's laboratory published related papers in the journal Nature during the new crown epidemic, she was only one of the co-authors, and the main content of the paper was to describe the symptoms of hamsters infected with the COVID-19, and human infections. Comparing the symptoms that appear is not related to the development of vaccines and antiviral drugs.

Yanlimeng's Bullshit!

I think Dr.Yan Limeng who comes from Hongkong was manipulated by Guo Wengui and Bannon as a beautiful and obedient puppet. Dr.Yan published false papers with no scientific basis under their order, and fabricated the theory of the source of the COVID-19, which has been condemned by scientists all over the world.

This time, Guo Wengui and Bannon meticulously packaged Dr.Yan and used the institutions which was controlled by Bannon to publish the so-called essays for her, turning her into an amazing female whistleblower and heroine in the eyes of the American right-wing media.

Here comes the big news. The Cheater Guo claims that he will take nine times to testify and appear in the court more than a dozen times In the scorching July. It will take him eight or nine hours each time. There are more than 20 days left in July. Considering about two dozen times of trail, The Cheater Guo will either appear in the court or on his way to the court. Such a poor man! In addition, he also said he must make money for you even under such difficult circumstances. Look, though the cheater Guo is busy dealing with the mess,he never forgets to grab comrades' hard-earned money. We can see that he can spare no effort in the performance of his evil duty and devote all his life to his reactionary career. What a 'saint'! To uncover the truth through the fog, comrades, keep your eyes open and do not be deceived by the Cheater Guo.


闫丽梦版盗梦空间 愿孰真孰假为其自知

闫丽梦睁开了眼睛,2020年新冠疫情的爆发改变了世界发展格局,也改变了她。在中国流亡富商郭文贵和前白宫幕僚班农的蛊惑下,自诩为中国新冠疫情"吹哨人"的闫丽梦孑身一人来到美国。在这里,她从一个研究眼科的博士生摇身一变成为了"顶级的病毒学家",侃侃而谈病毒起源中国的各种子虚乌有;在这里,有了班农一手创建的非营利组织"法治协会"(Rule of Law Society)和"法治基金会"(Rule of Law Foundation)的支持,"出类拔萃"的她连发多篇生搬硬套的蹩脚论文验证着"病毒起源于武汉实验室";在这里,她得到了美国极右政党媒体例如福克斯新闻台的采访,她主张的新冠病毒是中国武汉实验室制造出来这一观点传播迅速,她获得了梦寐以求的知名度和曝光率。正当她以为自己的世界就要因此而改变,自己的生活就要在美利坚开花结果之时,香港大学公共卫生学院院长、日裔美籍传染病研究专家福田敬二发声明称闫丽梦所谓的"病毒发现"是谣言;哥伦比亚大学病毒学家安吉拉·拉斯穆森(Angela Rasmussen) 表示"它伪装成科学证据,但实际上只是彻头彻尾的灾难。"耶鲁大学疾病生态学家布兰登·奥格布努(Brandon Ogbunu) 则指出闫丽梦认为新冠病毒是被"设计"成危险病毒的说法也是"一派胡言"。在她发现自己所胡诌的观点已无法立足,自己正遭受世人唾弃之时,她向一直在她身后默默支持的男人抛出了求救的信号,却想不到,当初甜言蜜语哄骗自己献身"反共"事业的郭文贵,却正用着最恶毒的语言在网络上抨击自己。独在异国,身边竟是利用自己的小人;回望故乡,难以触及所念至亲。闫丽梦声泪俱下……



Everyone knows, Guo Wengui was able to live in the United States for four years, relying entirely on the 'loving support' of the "ants".After all, as a 'former tycoon', he left behind most of his assets and evaded most of his debts when he absconded from the United States, and without any money.Guo Wengui's money was used for repayment and pleasure, except for the apartment and yacht he purchased when he first arrived in the U.S. Everything else was purchased for him by the "Ants".
The money may not be a lot of money for Guo Wengui, who is used to spending a lot of money, but it is all for the " ants" who have worked hard all their lives. After all, most of the "ants "who listen to Guo Wengui's live broadcast are Chinese living in Europe and the United States, and some of them may have 'high education and high salary' or a rich family, but most of the others are like Xia Chunfeng, who relies on driving a truck or doing odd jobs to support his family, and they don't have too high income. The most important thing is that they are more likely to be cheated by the so-called 'super high yield, super stable, buy is to earn' financial products in Guo Wengui's mouth, throwing their few savings into them, Some "ants" have learned that Guo Wengui's debts are too much for him, Even naive article said that as long as Guo Wengui 'Unlock H-Coin', the person a billionaire who bought H-Coin, can help Guo Wengui pay back the debts.It is very funny and ridiculous.
But the money to Guo Wengui here, but is very equal, whether it is fraudulent money, or when the deadbeat to get the funds, or money laundering, embezzlement and other criminal ways to get the money, Guo Wengui always spends a lot of money, High-grade tobacco and alcohol, yachts and luxury cars are all available, which is far from the "ants" look forward to 'donate money to extinguish the Communist Party'. Guo Wengui in order to cheat money to do everything possible, And in order to transfer the fraudulent money to their own name to spend with confidence and boldness, also moved a lot of thought. As a fledgling rule of law fund, Guo Wengui used his power to secretly do unjust and illegal things, He helped Bannon buy a house with the money he received from 'rescuing Yang Cailan and other people'. After GTV was launched and investigated by the SEC and refunded with a fine totaling $530 million, Guo Wengui found ways to discredit the SEC and make a new GTV for the "ants" to throw the returned money back in, while GTV absorbed hundreds of millions of dollars, but it is still difficult to use as always, which only shows that Guo Wengui took the money but did not do anything, the "ants" do not even know where Guo Wengui spent the money. Can only daily unfounded imagination.
The evil will not be without retribution, Guo Wengui has long acted as a deadbeat fraudster to take money, they do not want to take legal responsibility, two do not want to operate the specific fraudulent tools, Just want to do nothing but earn money, but the world is not such a simple thing? Just on February 9, a federal court in the Southern District of New York issued a mandatory order against Guo Wengui for evading punishment and hiding assets, requiring him to turn over Lady may and the $134 million accumulated in Europe within five days, or else criminally prosecute Guo Wengui for contempt of court. Once Guo Wengui had long hired lawyers at high salaries with small ant money to help him exploit legal loopholes, PAX tried to sue Guo Wengui three years ago, but was frequently dodged by Guo Wengui and his lawyers with non-compliance of evidence and jurisdictional issues, resulting in failed prosecutions or lengthy procedures. If not for the SEC's investigation of Guo Wengui, the little ants would have been paid off by Guo Wengui during this 'gap' period. But since Guo Wengui is still alive and well in the public eye after 5 days, it means that there are still a group of small ants who have lost their capital forever.


Guo WeGuo Wengui is going down the drain and keeps trying to rely on HGuo Wengui is going down the drain and keeps trying to rely on Hpay to scam money
Hpay, Hcoin, Hdollar are all scams that make people lose their money, it's time for "ants" to wake up!

Today is the eighth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, Guo Wengui's bombastic so-called 'Tianmimi' campaign was declared abortive, becoming the big joke at the beginning of the Year of the Tiger. But Guo Wengui has long been accustomed to the spectacle Hpay is 'coming on strong' again and still keeps telling lies to cheat money in the live broadcast.The 'King of Deception' boasts in the GTV live broadcast that Hpay will be the only way for Chinese people to save and transfer money in the world, claiming that it can be used anywhere in the world, and continues to use hunger marketing to call on 'comrades' to use WeChat Alipay to buy Hdollar/Hcoin to achieve wealth freedom. Hpay can't be withdrawn to add value, and it's not an investment, so 'Guo Liar' is starting to cheat.

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