Swila Bathool

Swila Bathool Poems

Guider to light, you are to me
You opened my eyes to what I see
You taught me that the salt is taken from the sea
You taught me, how to make the devils flea

Acids, Bases and salts are a part of chemistry
here we are out to solve a mystery

Acids are substances that are highly sour

Aaah! God! I am sick
cure for it just in a click

It’s always open 'the clinic'

The Class is terribly loud
they just make a crowd

Waiting for the bell to ring


Brutal murders are going on
the wing of peace had long been gone
O, I hear the cries of the hanging head
for their country, the blood they shed


Wherever I walk, I walk with dignity
A Muslim girl who opposes trinity

Neither was my first pant in there
Nor was my first stair
But a home where knowledge dwell
Where thither is the glee, the mighty jewel

Two little stars, I have who are dear
to me, I long for them to be near

I sniff the foul smell of the land
The cloud of smoke and the red coloured sand
The devils colonized this captive field
They used their lives as a shield

A Nation with the wing of peace
Where seven branches joined after 1970’s
Ceased the British that craved their tree
Provided the shade to millions for free


A Heaven on this Earth
Which we acquire at birth
Where Love never lack or dearth
That is million times at worth

Angels befallen from sky
With love never dearth, always nigh
When I first flapped my wing
Held my arms, supported by your wing

You are the teacher of mine
Taught me about the coniferous tree pine
When the things got messed up in line
Consoled and said that everything will be fine

They enslave a person whose was born free
Examining their flight from tree to tree
I see a string tied around their neck
They pick out the one from the deck

Thou and me born in the same nest
We shared amongst us the same zest
Our heart bonded, in-frangible
Love never dearth, is tangible

When I was born to this huge mansion
I never knew that the days would be tough
You opened my eyes to these different fashions
I stumbled and you kept me up while the surface was rough

Corrosion, what do you know?
Degradation, you are right though

It’s the gradual destruction

O little pearls, your turns out
You will be checked (purity) without a doubt

You have been dropped from your state

I am a little leaf in my Parent Plant
When the rain drop fell, my first pant

My little eyes rolling everywhere

Reward blossoms for every deed
Increase the faith, which the Muslims need

Countless blessings being showered

The Best Poem Of Swila Bathool

A Tribute To My Parents

Guider to light, you are to me
You opened my eyes to what I see
You taught me that the salt is taken from the sea
You taught me, how to make the devils flea

You showed me the right way
You didn't bother me falling even in a bay
But lent your hands and helped me say
Failure is the stepping stone to success you may

Poured in me the pure inner light
You showed me how to reach into height
Pray and obey the Lord of Might
Taught me what to do before my Flight

You showed me to choose the right one
You encouraged me even in fun
Build my talents, and even then run
To tighten the ties and get them done

You said no to what is wrong
Scolded me not to keep it along
Didn't stop me from singing a song
To be patient and the way is long

I am the most dutiful one to you
Helped to build my character, by giving the clue
Taught me failure and how to get through
As a toddler, you repeated to me that the sky is blue.
Love you O my dear Parents!

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