Sylvia Alva

Sylvia Alva Poems

None of us ask to be born
Why were we brought
Into this world
A world full of hate

When I see your face
It takes me to a dif erent place
Calmness takes a hold of me
Like a blanket that cannot be seen

Daddy's little girl
I remember back when I was her
It's been a while I'd like to know
What happened between us

Never had my life been more complex,
Reality had simply left. I was all alone I couldn't help but wonder if I left this life was there something for me out there?
Although I lived in pain and my heart was broken everyday I can't
complain, without my past my life just wouldn't be the same. I'm glad we went our separate ways, what we once were will be no more. I used to think you were the one, the man that I was dreaming of. Funny how that dream is now just a drifted memory. I gave my all I poured my heart out and for what? You broke my heart and made me cry and to top it off you laughed when we said goodbye but jokes on you, I opened up my eyes in time to realize that you were not my paradise you were just a stepping stone along the way kind of like those bumps on the road I couldn't sway. It took a while for me to see that there was more just up the road.

Everything about you tells me who you really are, a man who can sometimes be loud while being silent all in one
you tell me that you love me you say I am the one
I don't understand why it got out of hand
How did we allow for things to come this far


The Best Poem Of Sylvia Alva

Work Of Art

None of us ask to be born
Why were we brought
Into this world
A world full of hate
A world full of anger
None of us like living this way
As the blood drains
From my body
My slit wrist
Tells a sad story
At first glance
I'm so beautiful and charming
That's just a front
Deep down inside me
Lives all that is evil and dark
I used to love
I used to dream
My smile is what defined me
As time went on
My smile became a frown
Love no longer existed
A black whole was left in my heart
My soul was lost long ago
Everyone in my life
Turned out to be fake
Loving only themselves
Thinking of ways to escape
Became the reason
I woke up everyday
The dark red blood stains
Remind me of all the times
You didn't want me around
Of when you kicked me
Out the house
The longer I stare
The more I hate
I wish the hate would go away
It won't be long
Till I'm gone
Everything I ever did
You said was always wrong
You never complimented
Anything at all
My brother and my sister
Seemed to make you happy
It was only when they came
That a mother you became
You were always there
When they needed you
I never heard you tell them "NO"
Wasn't hard to see
That you didn't love me
As my life ends
I hope in yours you smile again
"The world will be a better place"
Was what I heard you say
Those words replay over and over
In my head
I promise you soon
That will come true
All is lost and never won
I'm not trying to hurt anyone
This was not
What I wanted in life
Anger and hate determined
My fate
Holding my feelings inside
Brought upon a frightful gift
I picked up a brush started to paint
Painting away all of my pain
Along with every single memory
I only hope you understand
The meaning of my art
I hope you see
What an amazing artist I can be
Metaphorically speaking of course
I found an escape
In this canvas that I use to paint
This canvas is my best art work yet
It holds every secret
It carries my pain
It tells the story
Of the little girl who went away
How she wasn't insane
How she lived her life in vain
It's sad to see it's me
My body is my masterpiece

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