Tallulah Cereza

Tallulah Cereza Poems

he's a tall glass of water
but don't get me wrong
he's not see-through at all
he has coal black hair

it fascinates me how your foot
always steps
right in front of the other
you walk in perfect sync

The Best Poem Of Tallulah Cereza

A Very Simple Notice Of The Man Nobody Knows

he's a tall glass of water
but don't get me wrong
he's not see-through at all
he has coal black hair
with a few strands of silver
and black eyes
that scare me sometimes
because he looks like a hungry wolf
that wants to rip my head off
and that's okay because
except for sometimes
they're like sweet sweet honey
a thick sanctuary I can
dance in
and drown
just a mouthful of ecstasy pills.
strangers will call him a
because of the tales
of taboo ways
he treats girls
says the same things
as he penetrates
their thighs
with an anchor.
they call him a pirate
stay away for him
but no
he's just a sailor I tell them
that doesn't stay for too long
he has other places to be
islands to explore
mermaids to seduce
tropical foods to taste
he won't settle down
until he finds
just the right thing
for him.

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