Tamara Turner

Tamara Turner Poems

Decompose my pre-exposed notions
Dripping wet now I'm drowning in a ocean
Motions over take me wave by wave
The under current pulls me under

Hi I live in the U.S.A
In washington state up north.
Where I live there's an green bridge
It divides between Oregon state

Pen and paper.
For when time will heal.
Pen and paper
For words held still in time that I cannot feel.

I'm writing my way out of that narrative into another one.
Life is what you make it
I don't know how many times I've heard that.
Probably many times in a life time.

I run into infinity with my arms stretched out wide
I jump as far as I can until my fingers can touch the sky
There's no limits to where life will take me
The obstacles that I've overcome I'm still here standing

Each year I see a tag, a label
Each year I see different posts of what you think of me
It makes me feel unstable
Never bite the hands that feeds

My heart turned to coil
As my cup runneth over with hot tea
The hot water beginned to boil
Tears rimmed my eyes

When I sit in silence my soul is still
The waves do not move
Things feel so surreal
There's no one around

My heart and soul feels seperated from my behold
I feel the anxiety build as your sinister plan unfold
I watch everything around me fall like dominos
Row by row

The heart hides in the shadows
Or in untold stories and lost battles
The battle within love hate war
Sometimes even over lost relationships and friends

today was a new day
but one like no other
today i thought of you
i thought about us holding each other

In the sand storms of time long ago
We both found our selves in a place that we did not know
With bleeding hearts gasping for air we were swept up in the storms of life without a care
We managed to hold on to each other you were always there

I lay in trees in my native land
I swing from the vines of wisdom
Then I land on my hands
After awhile I realize that i am dreaming

A hopeful kiss on the lips
A hopeful smile which drives you wild
A hope for new beginnings of a new chapter
Tear drops that pour like rain

Sinking in sadness I'm battling an inner struggle
A quiet madness.
No one wants to hear me speak I can feel the anger slowly boil up as they silence me and put me on mute.
Unless I'm telling a joke which is sadness in disguise behind my eyes

Perpetually drifting in a uphill battle
I'm in the middle of ocean but I can still
hear the rattles.
I never knew a snake could travel this far.

The captain aboards his ship.
He flashes a big grin and stands like a man of valor.
Great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.
This pirate was no coward.

Ashes blown away by the wind
Faded memories flickery like a candle burning until the end
Haunted echos boucing off an  encravaced cave wall
Watching my steps so i thread lightly

Ashes blown away by the wind
Faded memories flickery like a candle burning until the end
Haunted echos bouncing off an  encravaced cave wall
Watching my steps so i thread lightly

On the first week of november, I got a call that I will forever remember.
It felt cold outside as the window started to pick up.
I felt like I just been hit by a semi metaphorically.
Then I felt this wave of guilt thinking how it wasn't fair.

The Best Poem Of Tamara Turner

Dark Cave And An Ocean

Decompose my pre-exposed notions
Dripping wet now I'm drowning in a ocean
Motions over take me wave by wave
The under current pulls me under
Deep inside a dark cave
I'm confused, wet, and bruised from the rocks that were crushed on my exposed skin
I look a little beat up but I continue to fight I won't let them in.
They will not win and I will not drown
Even if some days  feel like I'm pulled underneath the ground
Underneath the ground its my cave but will not let it be my resting place
Its not my grave

Tamara Turner Comments

Tamara Turner Quotes

When it comes to age There is no center stage

Sitting on my hands and knees so I'll be quiet is challenging. When I feel attacked I want to spring forth like a cheetah and defend myself. But I'm learning to be slow to reacting. Plus if someone's hating on me it isn't about me.

Hearts break but they also can be mended.

Say a prayer for me tonight to ease my trouble to ease my fright. Or you can wait until it is daylight where the sun will chase off my deepest fears.

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