teri bronte Poems

Hit Title Date Added

I am me,
a mother, a woman, a person of idea's.
I am the daughter of her and him.
A lover of art's of music and books.

His Touch

His touch let's me know im wanted..
His touch leads me further to my destiny..
My head bow's as my knee's bend to His touch..
My will is given to Him to guide me to what i can only imagine will be wonderful as His touch.

Oh Joy, Oh Joy

Oh joy, oh joy, don't leave just yet, linger on awhile and wash my days with a mist of morning dew..just enough to make me feel alive and full of you.
Oh joy, oh joy, i strech and purr like a kitten after her nap knowing you are nearby with a touch so soft and yet so familiar with my every aches and make them enhanced and slide on to a ride that won't stop until i reach that place of bliss where you never know if you will find your way back.
Oh joy, oh joy, stay awhile longer please..don't hasten to leave me yet,
The after glow may stay to put us both to sleep and a smile on our faces and warmth running through our bodies like a river down a hill, so smooth and ever changing.

Twisted Love

I gave you my love and my trust
Then you abused it with all your angry fuss
All your anger left me confused
Leaving me in tears and my body bruised

The Dominant Male

Oh this man of order's and dismay; with the strenght and no
wisdom of what he has.. is beyond me.
He struts his stuff and beats his chest, He barks and howls at
the night; but his bark is all; for he has no bite.


Why? Does your family drive you crazy....you leave your first home
to escape your parents, because they don't understand you.

Do you join the military or run away to another state and get a job, or do you get married for all the wrong reason's and end up divorced?


Am I? Was I? Have I changed?
What happened to that girl who wanted only what other's wanted;
to serve and please.

His Promise's

The beginning was a wonderful world for her..to be loved by one so beautiful in his way...He was going to make it all go away, all the pain in her life. Surround her with his love, his arm's. Protect her from all harm, give her the moon.

Why did he make all those promise's.. after he hit her, why more promise's.. after he threw her out the door in the cold. Why promise's after he took a drink and slapped her across her face he was suppose to love...

Things Are Not What They Seem

Things are not always what they seem, love is
a thing of the mind and heart.
With love we look and see what our mind tells
our eyes, so wonderful a sight, and then our

Love Yesterday, Friends Today

The beginning was a love to be..a love we both wanted.
Love was yesterday.. and friends today.. if we can be.
It's a strain on us both.. trying to forget what we said in the beginning.
Love was yesterday, and friends are what we are today.

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