Thomas Koron Poems

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I found pleasure in every direction,
As I wandered mystified through the fields.
A snapdragon captured my attention;
Possessed with the sensation that it yields.

On This Bed Of Roses

On this bed of roses my teardrops fall,
As clouds begin to darken in the sky,
And vines have grown across the garden’s wall.

The Broken Mirror Of Time

Looking through the broken mirror of time,
I visit times and places from the past.
To have loved never should have been a crime;
Yet, somehow I was always thought of last.

That Night Under The Stars

One summer night, in the month of July,
After the heat of the day had simmered,
The moon softly glowed in the starlit sky;
And your beautiful blue eyes had shimmered.

The Veil Of Night

At dusk we shall bask in the veil of night,
Covering all that the eye ever sees.
A cloak of clouds masking the moon so bright,
As bats fly in circles above the trees.

Last Call

Spending our time where people loudly talk,
We wave to friendly faces from afar.
An empty glass leads us to slowly walk
Through the crowd, as we step up to the bar.

A Nightmare

Last night I had dreamed,
About all things horrible,
Housed under one roof.

Shadows In The Moonlight

By the darkest shadows in the moonlight,
A werewolf creeps through the woods as it stalks.
This beast is such a terrifying sight;
Thirsty for blood, upon bare feet it walks.

Sonnet For A Lost Soul

Sometimes we lose everything that we had,
And wonder should we break instead of bend.
Thinking about the love we never send,
We’re left miles behind, feeling so sad.

Our Initial Encounter

When I first saw her in my frame of view,
I felt a lifting from all of my pain.
Her eyes began to shine like morning dew,
More tender than the blessed falling rain.

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